(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 1933年,希特勒及其纳粹党掌控了德国的政权。纳粹下台后便在德国展开了“一体化活动”,从而完成了对公共政治范畴的周全掌握,构成了“一个平易近族、一个国度、一个政党”的局势。然则,纳粹当局面对着国际生齿出身率连续降低的严格成绩。希特勒妄想着树立由雅利安人统治的千年帝国,但德国生齿出身率的降低和种族阑珊曾经成为障碍他树立千年帝国梦的最年夜妨碍。在纳粹的认识形状中,家庭被视为国度的细胞,它是种族中兴的源泉。纳粹须要经由过程家庭取得有种族价值的雅利安孩子,赓续充分雅利安种族的生齿数目,其实不断改良雅利安种族的质量,确保雅利安种族在同其他下等种族争取生计空间的奋斗中获得成功。为了使平易近族配合体内的每小我和每个家庭都办事于配合体的需求,德语论文范文,纳粹当局必需对它们实施周全掌握,特别是德国人的平常私家生涯,以改变德国生齿出身率降低的趋向。为此,纳粹在鞭挞魏玛时代家庭不雅的同时,德语论文题目,逐步构成了一整套纳粹本身的家庭不雅,并运用国度权利向德公民众灌注贯注纳粹家庭不雅。继而制订了一整套家庭政策,妄图对公民的婚育和社会生涯实行周全的掌握,使其屈服纳粹极权主义统治,办事于纳粹的生齿和种族目的。婚育选择本是小我的自在权力,但是在纳粹统治时代,作为私家生涯范畴的家庭遭遇到了来自内部公共政治权利的渗入渗出和侵占。那末,在纳粹统治下的德国社会中,公共政治范畴同家庭私家范畴的界线能否真的被纳粹当局所打破?纳粹终究能否完成了对德公民众的周全掌握?德国度庭又能否真的沦为了纳粹完成其生齿和种族目的的对象?本文经由过程对纳粹家庭政策的研讨,试图答复以上成绩。 Abstract: In 1933, Hitler and the Nazi Party took control of the German regime. After the Nazis stepped down in Germany launched a "integration", which completed a comprehensive grasp of the scope of public politics, constitute a national, a country, a political party, the situation. However, the Nazi authorities face strict scores of international population birth rate decreased continuously. Hitler in the delusion that set by the Aryan rule the thousand year Reich, but German population birth rate decrease and racial recession has become the obstacles he set up the most of the eve of the thousand year Reich dream to hinder. In the shape of the Nazi's knowledge, the family is regarded as the country's cell, and it is the source of racial resurgence. Nazi need through family processes have a racial value of Aryan child, gengxu full Aryan race population, in fact, continuous improvement quality of the Aryan race, ensure the Aryan race in with other inferior race for living space of the struggle for success. In order to make plain near family with the body of each person and each family all work on ligand needs, the Nazi authorities required to implement comprehensive master, especially German daily private lives, to change the trend of German population birth rate reduced. Therefore, Nazi castigate Weimar era family at the same time, gradually formed the family a set of Nazi itself indecent, and application of state power to the German public instilling the Nazis' home indecent. Then developed a set of family policy, attempt to citizen's marriage and social life to implement comprehensive mastery of the yield of Nazi totalitarian rule, act in a Nazi population and racial aims. Marriage choice is the personal freedom power, but in the Nazi era, as a category of private career families suffer to from internal public political rights of infiltration and invasion. At the end of that, in the German Society under the Nazi regime, can the boundary of the category of public politics and family private sphere be really broken by the Nazi authorities? Nazi eventually completed the public's comprehensive grasp of the German public? The German family can really become the object in order to complete its population and race to the Nazis? In this paper, the process of the Nazi family policy, trying to answer the above results. 目录: 中文摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 绪论 10-17 一、选题意义 10-11 二、国内外探讨近况 11-17 第一章 纳粹家庭观的形成与灌输 17-34 第一节 纳粹家庭观形成的背景 17-23 一、19世纪末兴起的优生运动 17-18 二、魏玛时期的“家庭危机” 18-23 第二节 纳粹家庭观的内涵 23-28 一、恢复父权制 23-24 二、社会性别分工:强调女人的“母亲角色” 24-25 三、种族共同体中的家庭 25-28 第三节 纳粹家庭观的灌输 28-33 一、纳粹政府对家庭观的宣传 28-29 二、学校、纳粹组织中的家庭观教育 29-32 三、大家庭的典型示范:德意志大家庭联盟 32-33 本章小结 33-34 第二章 婚姻政策:建立“有价值的家庭 34-46 第一节 纳粹的结婚政策及其实施 34-40 一、“结婚贷款计划” 34-38 二、纳粹对国民择偶的干涉 38-39 三、二战期间的结婚政策 39-40 第二节 纳粹的离婚政策及其实施 40-44 一、“无价值的婚姻”及其解除依据 40-41 二、离婚政策的实施 41-44 本章小结 44-46 第三章 生育政策:有选择的生育 46-61 第一节 纳粹支持生育的政策及其实施 46-56 一、为鼓励生育实施的奖惩方法 46-48 二、提高母亲的地位:母亲节及“母亲十字勋章” 48-52 三、保护未婚妈妈和私生子:希姆莱的“生命之源”计划 52-54 四、抵制、整顿节育和堕胎行为 54-56 第二节 纳粹的反生育政策及其实施 56-59 本章小结 59-61 第四章 家庭福利政策:促进大家庭的建立 61-71 第一节 母亲和儿童救济处 61-65 一、“母亲建议中心”的建立 62-63 二、纳粹幼儿园的设立 63-64 三、“母亲疗养计划” 64-65 第二节 儿童津贴政策的出台及其实施 65-69 一、“家庭补偿金计划”的夭折 65-67 二、“一次性儿童津贴”和“固定性儿童津贴” 67-69 本章小结 69-71 第五章 家庭社会化:公共领域和家庭私人领域的交缠 71-84 第一节 被组织化了的家庭 71-79 第二节 被拖入战争轨道的家庭 79-84 结语 84-87 参考文献 87-90 致谢 90 |