
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Gu Hongming is an honorary scholar has enjoyed the world, life world to the East Chinese propaganda traditional civilization, in the event of the great influence of the Oriental, in Germany caused especially fierce reaction. But in the international, Gu Hongming long forgotten. Until the end of last century, Gu Hongming was caused from the new international academic value. Although the research results have so far rather indecent, but special to Gu Hongming and East is to study the relationship with Germany is profound. Gu Hongming in Germany to gain acceptance, the deep reason lies in Ku of Oriental techniques of material civilization doctrine biased criticism with the German international ancient introspection tide occurred a consensus, the direct reason is Gu Hongming eccentricity of Germany. Further, Gu Hongming of Germany for his eccentric is receiving basic German culture. Gu Hongming of Germany said in all aspects of civilization receiving literature, philosophy, history, and literature. Gu Hongming draw the conclusion that German nationality is a valued moral order of the nation, Gerd is the German nation or even all of Europe's moral example. All these are attributed to Gu Hongming held in the performance of Chinese and Western civilization on the moral civilization indecent. In early twentieth Century Germany, Gu Hongming's work has caused many intellectual concern, this phenomenon should be a detailed analysis. Vertically, the German sense of Gu Hongming received a gradual growth process. "Respecting" intense patriotic emotion the earliest moved most Nazi Germany; "spread" civilized folk nationalism position because and the German intellectual circles increasingly prominent modern reflection bias, greatly boost the Gu Hongming reputation in Germany; General of the Chinese energy "propaganda of Western civilization winning theory and the Confucian civilization, in Germany sparked heated debate, half of dishonour, nevertheless, post-war reflection on civilization tide buried sound criticism, Gu Hongming reputation in Germany also reached its peak. In the mid twenty's, Gu Hongming was concerned was significantly decreased, eventually fade out of Germany knowledge field. Transverse view, because of their respective positions and start point of disagreement, German intellectual circles of Gu Hongming received also appeared a a significant multi voice, people from all walks of life of Gu Hongming evaluation opinions differ from each other. In general, German philosophy, theology studies and literary circles on Gu Hongming's attention more focused. Among them, philosophy and theology of Gu Hongming's concern especially profound and durable. Gu Hongming reason caused some German Neo Kantian and philosophers of department civilization save close attention, due to his compromise to the moral values of Western civilization, the relationship between analysis and Gu Hongming of Christianity will and evangelistic Crusades violent lashing caused the Department of a preacher and theologian of special concern. Essentially, the German sense of Gu Hongming's reception is actually at the turn of the century German academics from the new evaluation of Kong Zi and Confucianism mirror. Gu Hongming of Confucianism moral fantasy analysis catered to German knowledge of ancient oriental civilization disadvantages reflection, prompted the German intellectual circles from the review Confucian value contribution is not small, but he will Confucius and Confucianism in Europe from the new sacred intent is the German common sense to deny. Even in German and European civilizations exchange history, Gu Hongming left indelible footprints into itself. Gu Hongming's relationship with Germany this topic to our inspiration, to reflect on the traditional civilization, open view of heterogeneous civilization, especially in the globalization of tomorrow.

