
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

National image rhetoric and spread is a major proposition in national and global management research, national image rhetoric to is a main proposition of country management to and also for discourse analysis and study of a main topic. Based on international scholars Hu Fanzhu "analysis of the new words and actions", the national image of rhetoric as a speech act, not only means "I said," not only means "I say, you listen", but a "I, you, he" action of the three kinds of subject "wording - listen - Watch," the original reporting "," worded response "a series of detailed process with the composition of the. Such, in terms of national image rhetoric, we not only need to study how said, would also like to discuss the hearer is how to listen to; not only need to study obedient person how to listen, would also like to discuss the listener to hear how repercussions; not only need to study tractable person after listening to the response, but also to study the hearer response on the speaker's meaning. That is to say, we not only need to study our country authorities, media and even other coherent words how to Ming China in the world, but also to overseas study is how to attract our voices and how to response. Thus, Oriental media reporting and reporting Chinese sideways how news matters has become a new hot research. This kind of research intention undoubtedly is very worthy of concern, but this kind of research at present there are still a series of problems. Results the eastern world does not mean that the Anglo American world, it also includes to Germany as the representative of the German speaking world, in Spain, as the representative of the Spanish speaking world, in France as the representative of the French world, but the existing research often important concern is in the English World English news media in China Abstract rhetoric result. Results no news media have itself in response to the audience, sorry for the existing research is only kept dependents big Oriental media of China reports, few people concern to Eastern media audience how to Western media reports to respond. Achievement in the 21st century, collect spread has become the most popular method, but the existing research, often only concern to print media may be slightly extended to radio and television media in China Abstract reports, has simply not what research can or Xu concern in the eastern world in China Abstract rhetorical collected. Results four in modern spread, Oriental media and Internet users have interactive prestige nearly sufficient. But the existing research almost no one can pay close attention to the Oriental media reports in London is a people of these reported response to China. The emergence of this kind of situation, not only in our discussion is not enough attention to, in the network era, a story often quickly inspire an "comment group collected a speech community". The national image of rhetoric can be called for "group of motor speech", is group of "Discourse (paraphrased) - Reviews - reviews the debate" action; more is about this kind of "group of motor speech", so far so far, no matter is in popular science circles still speak in academic circles are still lack of useful and practical analysis of the object. What kind of practical model to analyze the basic content of this paper to explore. Speaking in the traditional research, research on the scale of the important sentence, the relationship between the level of sentence to debate the most comments. In recent years, more and more linguists familiar to speak, research should not limited to the sentence should be three-dimensional, beyond the sentence scale, therefore, discourse chunks, even textual research to start highlights. Nevertheless, into the collection period in the future, modern talking movement, increasingly showing a "dialogue" and "numerous sounds clamor", a single text analysis haven't useful to show all his charm another strange falling a dilemma: how to useful analysis of the new "group speech movement" consisting of almost Eph into relationship between friends multiple discourse? Because of this, this paper attempts to put forward "super text analysis the concept to comment on the debate. This paper first reviews the "super text analysis of the practical background, of" Discourse "stop the definition, description of structure and puts forward the detailed research methods. What is the "Discourse"? Speaking unit with the level, the discourse is a kind of big sentences and discourse unit, and speak to the discourse units may become a "super discourse". Paradigm of "super discourse" is: "a by different wording unified theme separation disagreement Speech Act (discourse), but before and after to be linked together cheek by jowl, consisting of a whole, semi open the language construct." "Dispatch thread" in the preface to the collection of unique scene shows a group discussion (paraphrased) - Reviews - reviews debate "process, this process composition and the paradigm of" super discourse ", this is the numerous sounds clamor" multiple discourse and an absolutely closed and independent structure. The site model of "super discourse" dividends "source text" and "text" (from the "origin"). In the news website, "the source text" on weekdays. News discourse, "text" is the Internet users comments in recent news reports on the "text" includes several sub texts. Here, the "Discourse" is in the source text aroused by the "text" continuously push forward and form a structure. The semantic and structural characteristics of super discourse "and" Discourse "approached, but more difference:" super discourse "in the thread number of some is not as" Discourse "only means" several words ", but also means that the amount of participants, at the end of this class what if the amount of analysis? What is the meaning? -- the" super discourse "and" views "not as" Discourse "is an author in sound manipulation, but the differences the speaker sound is the sound of whether each one sticks to his own viewpoint, differences differences, disagreement may divergent to how the analysis? What is the meaning? --" super discourse "and" Discourse "is actually not as" Discourse "that just briefly" the original "or" reporting ", but" the complex process of reporting and reporting ", the significance of the process and how to analyze the meaning and in?? therefore, this paper designs" transtextual The scope of analysis, "Discourse" refers to components analysis, transtextual "discusses the methods and structural analysis and" Discourse "rhetorical structure analysis and a series of measures. In certain research methods basically, this paper examines the January 2017 to 2017 June the German mirror network Shehua "Discourse" and January 2017 to 2017 June Sina home news "Discourse", with medium corpus "Discourse" in the actual verification, also used the concept of "Discourse" analysis of the network media China Abstract degree of rhetoric result. Analysis of the "super range discourse", contains important analysis of transverse range analysis and longitudinal range. Transverse range refers to the collection media in different sections such as political, economic and other aspects of "Discourse" spread, an important assessment of the source text number range; longitudinal range is refers to the area of a source text and Jue "streaming text" a single "super discourse", an important assessment "streaming text" that netizens comment range. Thus, the "Discourse" of Chinese Abstract rhetoric "agenda deposit test Juan". "Super discourse" denotational component analysis in important for German media source text "and" text streams to emerge the with objective deviation of the reference component selection and sequence, denotational component modifiers and denotational component is present language analysis. Check media in the application of reference components tend to view, the initiative itself and the impact of media and audience in the alleged language application. Thus, the "Discourse" of China Abstract rhetoric "tend to view" test. "Super discourse" methods to discuss and structure analysis, we put the "Discourse" in the presence of sound dividends: the original and reporting. The assessment of the source text and relayed from can be seen reporting manipulation of speech reporting; assessment of the source text "and" text flow "between the discourse structure, can analyze the text flow" how to source text stopped responding also discusses tectonic complex is assessment "Discourse" of the topic of "one of the goals. Thus, the "Discourse" of China Abstract rhetorical "relationship of topic" test results. In the rhetorical structure of "super text analysis, according to the" text "in response to the source text to" super text structure is divided into two coherent, the first organized is "origin" organized, the second organized is "flow" organized. Each level has rhetorical structure, including evaluation of relations, it discusses the relationship between background, relationship, relationship of evidence. The assessment of "Discourse" in rhetorical structure can be seen between "flow / source", "flow / flow between emotional break the degree, and then analyze the medium of national image. Thus, the "Discourse" of China Abstract rhetorical "emotional break" test. At first, this paper summarizes the contents and the significance of the concept of "super text analysis model, rectify the encountered in the study of the achievements and the lack of local and review the debate in learning to speak, popular science and natural language processing field to expand the research, such as the establishment of the" East China Abstract degree rhetoric inspection measurement table "to. The process of the construction of this paper is not only a learning to speak a new analysis model, the thinking process is also a national strategy and international war growth performance; is a kind of speech analysis of the new way of exploration, is also a kind of spread to discuss the new thoughts of test. Wish through the process of setting up "super text analysis model, integrated application of a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, can truly useful to China in the orientalist discourse community collection of media in the country image of scientific analysis, and on how to effectively use to talk to protect a country's abstract made pointing and desire in theory basically can will this analysis model is applied to any of the collection media coverage analysis.

