
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



With the rapid growth of economic globalization, China's economic cooperation with foreign countries and business cooperation accelerated significantly. Especially since China's reform and opening up, China's economic and technical business between the countries continued to heat up. As the most useful way to delineate the rights and interests of the parties, the business contract has become the most useful method in the business and trade relationship of the business and trade. In view of the global business and the organization of the business movement has been its judicial constraints, the contract in various types of trade and commercial movement also plays a more and more important role. The vast number of scholars from different angles on the translation of business contracts from the perspective of a large amount of research. These extraordinary accomplishments and research results have no doubt laid a solid foundation for further research on this field, but the shortcomings still exist. First of all, some scholars only through the process of translation experience and some examples of lack of practical guidance; secondly, many scholars from the micro level of business contract translation, and just stay in the lexical and syntactic level, so as to neglect the micro level of translation strategies. The most important is that in translation theory with trade contract translation is full of achievements and hypocritical. In addition to the traditional genre theory, the study of business contract translation and its theory needs to be more appropriate. Based on the above analysis, the author believes that the translation of English business contracts from the perspective of the actual translation of the German translation of the translation of English business contracts is a need for further research. The most important objective of this paper is to discuss the translation of trade contracts from the perspective of the effectiveness of the countries. As a framework of German efficacy translation practice, this paper combines the micro level of translation objectives and the efficacy of the text with the micro level of the lexical, syntactic and textual characteristics of the combination. The feature of this thesis is that it covers the characteristics of business contract in terms of vocabulary, grammar and discourse. It also studies the micro level of the translation of business contracts and the combination of the micro level and the micro level. This paper first introduces the concept and development process of German efficacy translation, and then introduces the practical application of this theory to the analysis of translation process, and summarizes the practical and feasible translation strategies. Through the process of research, the author thought that the German efficacy of translation practice in the translation of business contracts, and can effectively guide the translation of business contracts. By halting the writing of the thesis, the author of business contract characteristics of speech and efficacy translation practice more skillful and also for those obligations may supply created in translators in the translation of business contracts, which serves as the translator, the contract translation work better.

