
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

ABSTRACT   2-3   摘要   4-7   Chapter Ⅰ Introduction   7-14       1.1 Background of the Research   7-8       1.2 Significance of the Study   8-10       1.3 Research Methodology   10-11       1.4 Structure of the Thesis   11-14   Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review   14-19       2.1 Definition of Business Contracts   14-15           2.1.1 Definition   14-15       2.2 Previous Study of Business Contract Translation at Home and Abroad   15-19           2.2.1 Previous Study of Business Contract Translation at Home   15-17           2.2.2 Previous Study of Business Contract Translation Abroad   17-19   Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework   19-32       3.1 A Brief Introduction to Functionalism   19-21       3.2 German Functionalist Approaches to Translation   21-32           3.2.1 Reiss\'s Text Typology   21-23           3.2.2 Hans J.Vermeer\'s Skopos Theory   23-26           3.2.3 Justa Holz-Manttari\'s Theory of Translational Action   26-29           3.2.4 Christiane Nord\'s Function plus Loyalty   29-32   Chapter Ⅳ Application of Functionalism to English-Chinese Translation ofBusiness Contracts   32-61       4.1 Application of Functionalism to E-C Translation of Business Contracts at Macro Level   32-45           4.1.1 Application of Text Typology to Business Contract Translation   32-34           4.1.2 Application of Skopos Theory to Business Contract Translation   34-43           4.1.3 Application of Translational Action to Business Contract Translation   43-44           4.1.4 Application of Function-plus-Loyalty to Business Contract Translation   44-45       4.2 Application of Functionalism to E-C Translation of Business Contracts at the Micro Level   45-61           4.2.1 Lexical Level   46-54           4.2.2 Syntactic Level   54-58           4.2.3 Textual Level   58-61   Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion   61-64   REFERENCES   64-67   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT   67-68  
