
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Germany's family business is unusually well known, many of the industry's world champion, they focus on the ability of the domain of the operation, the real good and strong. The via the process of Wirtgen group of Germany pathway machinery industry of the world champion, in the Chinese market operation management strategy and the status quo analysis. It is pointed out that the company in the market fast changing under the premise of the existing problems, and puts forward the reconstruction and China strategic, further promotion of the competitiveness of the company's proposal. The article first through the process of the company's way of mechanical industry analysis, to clarify the Chinese way of the development of the machinery industry status, characteristics and trends. Secondly, through the process of Porter's five forces model of industry competition situation analysis, combined with SWOT analysis method of Wirtgen China company outside the industry position, the company's strengths,, to face the opportunities and threats made to understand the analysis and conclusion. Then, the article analyzes the current situation of the operation and management of the company and concludes the comprehensive analysis. Via the process invokes Greiner business five stage growth model, Wirtgen China company in the growth stage and take control measures, to carry on the analysis, and from the production and marketing, marketing management, human capital management and the core competitiveness culture facing the operation of the company governance situations make the analysis. At first, according to the current situation of the company's operation management and the new changes in the market situation, it points out the lack of the company's current operating strategy, and puts forward the suggestions of strategic reconstruction. This paper focused on analyzing the Wirtgen company operations in the face of change, competition intensity increased, enterprise strategy disjointed situation, it is necessary to reconstruct the business strategy, enhance the company strategy and corporate culture construction, increase external governance transparency, improve employee task effort to encourage and a feeling of belonging to the enterprise, as long as such, company ability to industry leading position.


中文摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   1. 绪论   7-9       1.1 探讨的背景和意义   7       1.2 主要探讨内容和思路   7-9   2. 工程机械行业概述   9-13       2.1 中国工程机械行业的发展历史和近况   9-10       2.2 国际工程机械行业略论   10-11       2.3 道路机械行业略论   11       2.4 释义   11-13   3. 德国维特根集团背景略论   13-17       3.1 维特根集团的市场领导者之路   13-15       3.2 德国维特根集团在中国的市场开拓和发展   15-17   4. 维特根中国企业的竞争力略论   17-32       4.1 中国道路机械行业特点的深度略论   17-22       4.2 波特竞争力模型略论   22-27           4.2.1 潜在进入者威胁略论   22-24           4.2.2 现有竞争者略论   24-26           4.2.3 替代产品/服务威胁略论   26           4.2.4 供应商议价能力略论   26-27           4.2.5 买方议价能力的略论   27       4.3 SWOT略论   27-32           4.3.1 优势略论   28-29           4.3.2 劣势略论   29           4.3.3 机会略论   29-31           4.3.4 威胁略论   31           4.3.5 小结   31-32   5. 竞争力支撑:维特根中国企业的管理略论   32-40       5.1 拉瑞.葛雷纳公司成长五阶段模型   32-35       5.2 维特根中国企业的经营管理近况   35-40           5.2.1 制造和采购   36           5.2.2 营销管理   36-39           5.2.3 人力资源管理   39           5.2.4 核心竞争力略论   39-40   6. 对维特根中国企业竞争力提升的建议   40-43       6.1 企业竞争力提升空间略论   40-41       6.2 企业战略重构的建议   41-43   7. 结语   43-44   附录   44-53   参考文献   53-54   致谢   54-55  
