
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4-5   Chapter One Introduction   8-12       1.1 Research Background   8-9       1.2 Purpose and Significance   9-10       1.3 Research Process   10       1.4 Structure of the Thesis   10-12   Chapter Two Definitions and Previous Studies on Vague Language in Business Contracts   12-21       2.1 Definitions of Key Concepts   12-18           2.1.1 Definitions of Translation   12-13           2.1.2 Contract &Business Contract   13-14           2.1.3 Vague Language   14-16           2.1.4 Vague Language in Business Contracts   16-18       2.2 Translation of Vague Language in Business Contracts   18-21           2.2.1 Translation of Business Contracts   19           2.2.2 Translation of Vague Language   19-21   Chapter Three An Introduction to Functionalist Translation Theory   21-33       3.1 Functionalism outside Germany   21-22       3.2 The Development of Language Function Theory   22-24       3.3 German Functionalist Translation Theory   24-31           3.3.1 Katharina Reiss & Text Typology   24-26           3.3.2 Hans Vermeer & Skopostheorie   26-27           3.3.3 Justa Holz-Manttari & Theory of Translation Action   27-29           3.3.4 Christiane Nord & Loyalty Principle   29-31       3.4 Summary   31-33   Chapter Four Functionalism in Translation of Vague Language Business Contracts   33-47       4.1 Being Informative vs. Text Typology   33-36       4.2 Unclearness vs. Translation Action Theory   36-39       4.3 A Given Purpose vs. Skopostheorie   39-43       4.4 The Role of Translator vs. Loyalty Principle   43-46       4.5 Summary   46-47   Chapter Five Conclusion   47-49       5.1 A Summary of the Research   47-48       5.2 Limitations   48-49   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   49-50   REFERENCES   50-53   APPENDIX   53  
