
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



German social democracy nearly principal party and German Alliance Party as two of the eve of the Democratic Party in the communication political movement in Germany played very important role, the eve of the two party communication ideas both to have the individuality, also have the difference. Early postwar Alliance Party in Germany under the guidance of performance communication policy to the United States comes near, the rebirth of the Federal Republic of Germany need to NATO military cover and Oriental support to complete the national security and economic recovery. After entering the 60 year, in the two years of the device to enter the camp of the eve of the tension, the Party authorities to seize the opportunity, through the process of the new western policy to improve relations with the Soviet Union and East German authorities, so as to greatly improve the safety of its. 80 years of the Alliance Party from the new step down, the German economy through the post-war 30 years of growth has begun to take shape, beginning to seek and the economic position of the political rights, said in the United States not to complete the submission of instructions, to seek the independence of communication. Stop the infighting, to the Soviet Union as the focus of the group collapse, the largest German military threat to clear. Germany in the international political pattern in the position and role has also produced change, as the connection bridge of Western Europe and Eastern Europe, Germany in Europe's most populous country, is Europe's first economic power. Infighting after Germany's communication policy of two of the eve of the pillar is Europe and the United States, the leading European affairs is the communication policy the first starting point; through the process in Kosovo and Afghanistan military arrangements, Germany in international politics influence is becoming more and more remarkable. In this thesis, we study the development history of the two parties, and compare the differences between the two parties, and the continuity between the two parties, so that we can better understand the federal authorities to complete the German national benefits, and provide some reference for the development of Sino German relations. This paper also tries to discuss the direction of German communication after the alliance party to step down, Germany's relations with Russia and Eastern European countries, and the improvement of relations between Germany and the United States after the war in Iraq.


致谢   4-5   摘要   5   Abstract   6-9   绪论   9-19       第一节.选题的学术价值和现实意义   9-11       第二节.国内外探讨近况述评   11-17       第三节.基本思路和探讨措施   17       第四节.论文的结构   17-19   第一章.社民党与联盟党的发展历史及外交思想   19-31       第一节.德国社会民主党   19-25           一、社民党的早期发展历程   19-20           二、战后社民党的外交实践   20-23           三、战后社民党的外交思想   23-25        第二节. 德国联盟党   25-29           一、联盟党的早期发展历程   25-26           二、联盟党的重建   26-28           三、战后联盟党的外交思想及其实践   28-29       第三节.联盟党与社民党外交政策对比   29-31   第二章. 战后至60 年代初期的两党对外政策(1945--1963)   31-43       第一节.德国社会民主党   31-36           一、社民党在战后的重建   31-33           二、社民党与各占领国的关系   33-36       第二节.德国联盟党   36-41           一、阿登纳的对美政策与欧洲一体化思想   36-38           二、联盟党的德国政策与哈尔斯坦主义   38-41       第三节.两党外交政策的共同点与不同点   41-43   第三章. 60 年代后期至70 年代联盟党与社民党的对外政策(1963--1974)   43-52       第一节. 德国联盟党   43-48           一、艾哈特政府的过渡阶段   43-44           二、大联合政府对苏东政策的转变   44-48       第二节. 德国社会民主党   48-51           一、社民党的新东方政策   48-50           二、社民党的德国政策   50-51       第三节. 两党外交政策的共同点与不同点   51-52   第四章 70 年代后期至德国统一期间的两党对外政策(1974--1990)   52-59       第一节. 德国社会民主党   52-55           一、社民党对美政策的转变   52-53           二、社民党对苏政策和两德关系的变化   53-55       第二节. 德国联盟党   55-57           一、联盟党的对美政策   55-56           二、联盟党的对苏政策   56-57       第三节. 两党外交政策的共同点与不同点   57-59   结语   59-66       第一节 社民党外交政策的延续   59-60       第二节 默克尔新政府外交政策的转向   60-61       第一节 社民党与联盟党的对华政策   61-66   参考文献   66-70  
