摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 1. Introduction 9-12 1.1 The Background of This Study 9-10 1.2 The Research Motive and Significance 10 1.3 The Methodology and Data Collection 10-11 1.4 The Organization of This Thesis 11-12 2. Literature Review 12-17 2.1 Previous Studies Abroad 12-14 2.2 Previous Studies at Home 14-15 2.3 Summary 15-17 3. Theoretical Foundation 17-32 3.1 Functionalist Approaches 17-31 3.1.1 Background and Development of Functionalist Approaches 17-18 3.1.2 Representative Figures Contributing to Functionalist Approaches 18-28 3.1.3 Advantages of Functionalist Approaches 28-29 3.1.4 Enlightenment of Functionalist Approaches on Subtitling Translation 29-31 3.2 Summary 31-32 4. The Application of Functionalism to the Assessment of The Big Bang Theory's Subtitling translation 32-57 4.1 Understanding of Sitcom Subtitling Translation 32-37 4.1.1 Definition and Feature of Subtitling Translation 33-35 4.1.2 Classification of Subtitling Translation 35 4.1.3 Constraints of Subtitling Translation 35-37 4.2 Synopsis and Achievement of the Sitcom The Big Bang Theory 37-38 4.3 The Analysis of the Translation Brief of The Big Bang Theory 38-40 4.3.1 Target-Text Addressees 38-39 4.3.2 The Intended Text Function 39-40 4.3.3 The Time and Place of Text Reception 40 4.3.4 The Medium for Production and the Motive for Reception 40 4.4 The Assessment of the Expressive Function Realization 40-52 4.4.1 Condensation 40-42 4.4.2 Domestication VS. Foreignization 42-49 4.4.3 Clarification 49-52 4.5 The Realization of The Informative and Operative Function— the Assessment of the Translation of Sheldon's Scientific Explanation and Roommate Agreement 52-55 4.6 Summary 55-57 5. Conclusion 57-59 5.1 The Major Findings 57-58 5.2 The Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study 58-59 Acknowledgments 59-60 References 60-62 攻读学位期间的学术论文 62 |