
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

女性主义视角探寻《佩德罗·巴拉莫》中的女性形象An analysis of the female images in Pedro Paramo from the perspective of Feminism




As a representative of the Mexican writer Ruhr Fu. "Pedro Paramo said is one of the 20th century in Latin America, the best novel, it to its numerous wonderful narrative structure, extensive and profound thoughts and inner, additional monarch opportunities by means of writing and delicate plain speaking application attracts the vast readers and literary critics of vision. It is worth noting that the works of female groups in the little concern. Ruhr blessing didn't effect too much text on their stories; they live in a relationship between a man and a woman serious such as PI perverted the patriarchal society, in order to continue living, perhaps the pursuit to get rid of, select the divergence in the pathways, is free of the fate of the sad and dreary. This paper tries to rescue them from the great shadow Pedro Paramo the "tyrant", the story of their restoration, discover the hidden text content. At the same time, through the analysis of the process of these women abstract, Pedro Paramo the relative male protagonist abstract will increasingly clear. Only by doing so can we from a new, unique gender perspective to study the work. It also helps us to deeply understand the theme of the novel, master works period background and cultural connotation. This paper will use coherent feminism as a guide and according to the actual. Feminist depth analysis of patriarchy, male prestige and criticism, the literary tradition of "Pedro Paramo" provocation and the female image has a significant point. The first chapter briefly introduces feminism, feminist literary criticism of the sources, growth, introduce relevant representative figures and works, and the introduction of related theory and common nouns. In the second chapter, the author of the novel the life and famous works was reviewed and briefly describes the women in the novel role and period, civilization with the view of the contact. Set up in the text repeated reading, the third chapter will be applied feminist literary criticism of novels in the emergence of nine female image analysis information read. These women come from? The differences of female characters similar to melancholy fate after all reminded of what? Men and women are equal can do? Combined with actual coherent writing and background, this paper will respond in Chapter fourth answers.


Agradecimientos   4-5   摘要   5   Resumen   6-10   Introducción   10-13   Capítulo 1: Antecedentes teóricos   13-29       1.1 Sobre el feminismo   13-17           1.1.1 Definiendo el feminismo   13           1.1.2 Diferentes etapas de los movimientos feministas   13-17       1.2 Breve introducción a la crítica literaria feminista   17-27           1.2.1 Surgimiento y desarrollo   17-19           1.2.2 Simone de Beauvoir y El segundo sexo   19-22           1.2.3 Kate Millett y La política sexual   22-24           1.2.4 Otros conceptos clave   24-27       1.3 Con respecto a Pedro Páramo   27-29   Capítulo 2: Pedro Páramo: entre ficción y realidad   29-36       2.1 Sobre el autor: Apuntes biográficos   29-31       2.2 Marco histórico y social que da vida a Pedro Páramo   31-32       2.3 El feminismo y la tradición machista en México   32-36   Capítulo 3: Las mujeres de Comala: un acercamiento desde la perspectiva feminista   36-60       3.1 La relación padres-hijos   36-44           3.1.1 Susana San Juan: Y yo quién soy?   36-37           3.1.2 Ana: ingenuidad y obediencia   37-39           3.1.3 Dorotea, Justina y Damiana: madres suplentes y abnegadas   39-42           3.1.4 Dolores y la madre de Pedro Páramo: maternidad no expresada   42-44       3.2 El matrimonio y el sexo   44-56           3.2.1 Amor y locura   44-47           3.2.2 Sumisión y rebeldía   47-50           3.2.3 Mujeres de abuso sexual   50-56      Eduviges: la generosidad excesiva   50-52      La hermana incestuosa   52-55      Cómplices o víctimas de los Páramo?   55-56       3.3 Frente a la autoridad eclesiástica   56-60           3.3.1 Rechazo y réplica   57           3.3.2 Esperanzas y desilusiones   57-60   Capítulo 4: Buscando una identidad   60-68       4.1 Diferencias y similitudes   60-63       4.2 Reflexiones e iniciativas   63-68   Conclusión   68-70   Bibliografía   70-74  
