
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西班牙语动词特点英语一ing分词结构比较A comparison of the characteristics of the auxiliary verbs in Spanish and the structure of a ing word segmentation in English


说话是人类主要的外交对象,是人们表达思惟情感的重要手腕,而西班牙语以其运用人数之多,运用规模之广而位居世界四年夜语种之列。本文研究的焦点是西班牙语副动词(gerundio)。它是西语动词三个无人称情势之一,没有时、数和人称的变更。本文将环绕西语副动词的特色与用法睁开,具体剖析其在句子中作为副词、自力构造、主语补语和宾语补语的各项功效,和剖析带有副动词的动词短语的用法特色。我们的母语一汉语,形状变更比拟少,好比:名词不变格、动词不变位、没有性的差别等等,所以在汉语语法中不存在副动词。这就对中国粹生进修副动词形成了必定的艰苦,由于缺乏了响应的母语语法的帮助支撑感化,西语论文网站,先生在进修进程中常常对于副动词的懂得不敷周全,乃至有先生依附汉语翻译来记忆副动词的用法。当运用情形一旦产生变更,这些人常莫衷一是,或许他们宁愿运用两个并列的西语变位动词来表现有主次的两个举措。这些都是弗成取的。因为上海内国语年夜学西班牙语说话文学专业实施“西语/英语”的双语教授教养形式,今朝西语专业的先生不只有扎实的西语才能,且具有了相当的英语程度,本文以比较说话学中的比较剖析和毛病剖析为实际基本和办法指点,将比较的重点放在英语与西语的比拟上,文中将论述英语中“一ing”分词构造的特色,差别英语的动名词(gerund)和如今分词(active participate)的概念,同时对它们在句子中的功效一一剖析,而且同西语作比拟。由于西、英同属于印欧语系,较之西、汉的关系更近了一步,所以对于母语空白的语法点,先生们就会转向英语寻觅相似的语法赞助懂得与记忆。愿望经由过程对西班牙语副动词和英语一ing分词构造差异点的剖析比拟,可以猜测出先生在进修进程中能够涌现的毛病并加以提示,防止先生不加以剖析把英语如今分词的用法直接地套用在西语副动词上,获得毛病的成果。联合西语副动词自己的特色和西、英比较的成果,设计组织先生的问卷查询拜访。在此次问卷查询拜访中,选择西语专业的2、3、四年级的先生介入,从中可以加倍


Speech is human, the main foreign object, is for people to express the thoughts and feelings of an important means, and to the application number and the application scale wide Spanish ranked the world's four years night list. The focus of this paper is a study of the Spanish side (gerundio). It is the Spanish verbs three no person, no one of the situation, when the person and number of changes. This paper will surround Deputy Spanish Verb features and usage open, specific analysis of the in the sentence as adverbs, independent structure, subject complement and complement of functions, and analysis with auxiliary verbs phrasal verb usage characteristics. Our mother tongue is a Chinese, shape change less, like: noun, verb invariant lattice no difference in fixed position, and so on, so there is no vice verbs in Chinese grammar. The Chinese pure students learning vice verbs formed a certain hard, because of the lack of response of the native language grammar help supporting role, Mr. in the learning process often on the auxiliary verb know is not comprehensive enough and even Mr. attachment Chinese translation memory auxiliary verb usage. When applied once produced change, these people are often unable to agree, perhaps they would rather use two parallel Spanish conjugation to the performance of primary and secondary two initiatives. These are not taken. Because the Shanghai language university Spanish speaking Spanish and English bilingual teaching method implementation of professional literature, current Spanish professional students not only solid Spanish to and has a reasonable level of English, this paper to speak in comparative analysis and fault analysis for basic theory and methods of guidance, the comparison will focus on in English and Spanish comparable to, in this paper will be on the English "- ing" participle structure characteristics, the differences in English language dynamic noun (gerund) and now (active participate) word concept, and to their function in a sentence one by one analysis and with the Spanish compare. Due to the west, English belong to the Indo European language family, compared with the west, Han relationship closer step, so about gaps in the native language grammar points, gentlemen will steering English looking for similar grammar to help understand and memory. Desire by the Spanish vice verbs and English - ing participle structure similarities and differences analysis compare, can surmise that Mr. in the learning process to emerging problems and should be prompt, prevent Mr. do not try to analyze the English now participle usage directly apply in the Spanish vice verbs, get wrong results. The United Spanish vice verbs of their own characteristics and the west, English comparison results, design questionnaire of mr.. Visit in the questionnaire, 2, 3, the fourth grade Spanish professional's intervention, it can be doubled

