
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西班牙民族文化结晶阿尔贝尼斯伊比利亚探讨Spanish national culture a "study" the Iberian Albeniz




In this paper, the nineteenth century Spanish composer Albeniz Twilight creation a consists of four volumes and 12 songs and Piano Suite Iberia (Iberia) (sub headings for the twelve new impressions) as the research object. Music name and application of folk music material from the point of view, Albeniz from Spain ethnic civilization selected some representative elements and application to creation, Iberia, with strong plain near family. Through the process works in music the naming and the application of the plain nearly folk music material imported, and profoundly understand coherent Spanish plain near family civilization with King (Spanish history and geography characteristics of the civilization form) and plain near family musical elements (Flamingo flamenco art, Spanish plain in the dance style genre), can deepen our understanding of the works is essentially to understand and master, and also through the Ministry of works growth of Spain ethnic civilization familiar. In the control of the nation's cultural background, that means works has become the second research focus. Appropriate said in the composing technique is superior to express the composer's intention opportunities, and Iberia became a excellent works of another main factor. Albeniz Twilight wind record princess was 19th century at the end of the 20th century early French Faure (son (), Ducasse (Dukas) such as romanticism composer effects, the European composition techniques (complex texture, harmony) and Spanish music elements (including dance style, rhythm, etc.) very good combination in the way, making Iberia may climb on the international stage, universally acknowledged. In this study, and not a single stop composing techniques of analysis, but in the large amount of the plain near family civilization with landscape paving the way, and then stop the composing techniques relevant introduction and analysis. Less materials Chinese Spanish ethnic cultural background, in this sector will make a system combing Spanish history and geography condition and Spain "Guoxue" flamenco art; in addition, in the work of the second sector analysis, this thesis will shelter to the work in the perspective of playing the piano, according to work order do specific analysis and to Iberia, form and creation characteristic briefly summed up.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   8-21       第一节 选题动机与目的   8-9       第二节 探讨范围与探讨措施   9-12       第三节 相关资料探讨概况   12-15       第四节 作曲家及《伊比利亚》简介   15-21   第一章 西班牙历史、地理与多元民族文化的形成   21-34       第一节 古代的民族融合奠定了西班牙多元民族文化的基础   21-25           一、岛上原始的居民基础   21-23           二、居住在内陆山区的古代民族   23           三、外来的腓尼基人和希腊人   23-25       第二节 罗马文化与回教文化对西班牙的作用   25-28           一、罗马文化的作用   25-27           二、回教文化的作用   27-28       第三节 吉普赛民族对西班牙民间文化的作用   28-31           一、吉普赛民族的来源   28-29           二、吉普赛民族的特性   29-30           三、迁入西班牙的吉普赛人   30-31       第四节 自然的地理环境形成多样的特色区域   31-34           一、特殊的地理环境   31-32           二、自然形成的多个区域   32-34   第二章 《伊比利亚》曲名溯源与相关背景   34-42       一、以地名命名的乐曲   35-38       二、依据西班牙民俗节庆命名   38-40       三、依据舞曲体裁命名   40-41       四、情感因素的命名   41-42   第三章:弗拉明戈与《伊比利亚》   42-56       第一节 弗拉明戈艺术简介   42-45           一、弗拉明戈的起源   42-44           二、弗拉明戈发展的四个阶段   44-45       第二节 弗拉明戈的歌、舞曲体裁   45-56           一、弗拉明戈体裁的分类   45-54           二、弗拉明戈舞的表演特点   54-56   第四章:《伊比利亚》中的其他西班牙舞曲体裁   56-61       一、地方性舞蹈(Floklorico)   56-58       二、古典舞(Escuela bolero)   58-59       三、安达露契亚舞(Estilo Andalusia)   59       四、弗拉明戈舞(flamenco)   59-61   第五章:《伊比利亚》的创作风格与特点   61-106       第一节 《伊比利亚》的创作背景   61-62       第二节 乐曲略论   62-99           1,《回忆》(Evocation)   63-64           2,《海港》(El Puerto)   64-68           3,《塞维亚的圣体节》(F(?)te-dieu a S(?)villa)   68-73           4,《隆达纳舞曲》(Rondena)   73-77           5,《阿尔梅利亚》(Almeria)   77-81           6,《特里阿纳》(Triana)   81-86           7,《阿尔拜辛》(Albaicin)   86-90           8,《波罗舞曲》(El Polo)   90-92           9,《拉瓦别斯》(Lavapies)   92-94           10,《马拉加》(Malaga)   94-96           11,《赫雷斯》(Jerez)   96-98           12,《艾里达纳》(Eritana)   98-99       第三节 《伊比利亚》创作特点总结   99-106           一、结构自由   99-101           二、多样的变奏手法   101-103           三、丰富的节奏型   103-106   结论   106-108   参考文献   108-112   致谢   112-113  
