
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

德彪西、拉威尔琴著作中西班牙风格不同体现略论比较《格拉纳达之夜》和《小丑的晨歌》Debussy, Ravel piano works in Spanish style reflects the different analysis compared the night in Granada, "and the clown of the morning songs




Debussy and ravel the two 20th century French great Impressionist composer, because by the same social situation and the trend of art, and the influence of, and in their own creation has a similar techniques is to there will be certain similarities in their music. Especially in the application of elements of foreign music, the two composers are often in their respective works showed interest in this aspect. Spain, the Guli in northeastern Europe Island, the indigenous ethnic civilization by the impact of a variety of foreign identity, with multiple characteristics, about artists in creation, it is covered with a strange attraction and seductive mystery of. Debussy and Ravel are not exceptional to be attracted to the exotic. In this paper, the analysis of the "night in Granada," and the clown of the morning songs, two composers separation in 1903 and 1905 after the creation of the works. Composers in the two pieces are applied to the Spanish folk music elements, make the works Phi thick Spanish style. The two songs are the composers mature age works, representative. This paper focus on the need to remind is, Debussy and ravel even used the same Spanish musical elements, but because of the characteristics of them in the creation of, making the Spanish style differences in their respective works. This will be important from the following four aspects: first discussed the Pro will stop the synthesis of identity briefly two composers influence piano works and their own style; then will stop a brief introduction to Spanish music style, and the works of Graner "night" and "clown" morning song the Spanish style performance stop Nianye body is introduced; this paper will focus on the first two West Spanish style analysis in the performance of work to differences, and from music, musical form, picture dance beats, folk melody, sound, sound and application of ethnic musical instrument sound simulation and other aspects of a more specific the first will introduce; flutist from the perspective of how to grasp the two works in different places are touched. The author wishes of this paper through the process can be in two pieces with the point on the grasp points of disagreement, doubling that composers in the creation characteristics, and thus sponsorship itself in back playing two composers works, perhaps more accurate induction.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   6-8   第1章 德彪西、拉威尔钢琴著作创作总介   8-11       1.1 创作背景   8-9       1.2 作用因素   9-10           1.2.1 作用德彪西的因素   9           1.2.2 作用拉威尔的因素   9-10       1.3 总体风格   10-11   第2章 对德彪西、拉威尔钢琴著作中的西班牙风格概括   11-13       2.1 西班牙人文环境与音乐风格   11-12           2.1.1 西班牙的人文环境   11           2.1.2 西班牙的民族音乐   11-12       2.2 钢琴著作简介   12       2.3 著作中西班牙音乐元素总体体现   12-13   第3章 对西班牙风格在著作中不同体现的略论   13-35       3.1 乐曲中画面的描绘   13-21       3.2 曲式结构   21-27       3.3 舞蹈节奏的应用   27-30       3.4 民间旋律的应用   30       3.5 和声音响   30-32       3.6 对民族乐器音响的模仿   32-35   第4章 著作演奏的略论   35-40       4.1 节奏的把握   35-36       4.2 音色的控制   36-37       4.3 旋律的表现   37-40   总结   40-41   参考文献   41-44   致谢   44  
