
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

阿尔语法背景下的汉语“把”字句偏误生成机制教学对策On the formation mechanism and teaching strategies of the "Ba" sentence in Chinese under the background of Altai grammar


本文从母语语法机制对二语习得发生作用的视角动身,搜集、整顿现代“阿汉语(韩汉语与维汉语)”和历代“阿汉语(蒙汉语与满汉语)”文献中的“把”字句偏误景象,梳理出各类阿汉语分歧的“把”字句偏误,将其分为四年夜类七小类,进而剖析阿语配合的语法机制的年夜配景下的汉语“把”字句偏误生成机制,并从阿语语法机制反不雅汉语“把”字句及相干语法机制的特色。该结果有助于从实际上更深刻地熟悉汉语“把”字句的特色,并把类型学的研究将可以引入二语教授教养范畴,具有必定的参考价值。本文的立异点重要有以下几点:1.以更加周全的语料为基本,经由过程对母语、二语语法机制的深刻比较,有选择地接收其他学者的不雅点,对汉语“把”字句的焦点句式和焦点句式义做出了新的总结(“SNeg/Aux把O V处理R了”和“处理性导致”)2.更加周全地搜集了韩国粹生在正式水平分歧的语境下的“把”字句语料,经由过程定量剖析,找出了韩国粹生天然状况下的“把”字句偏误的重要类型。3.经由过程剖析现代韩国粹生的“把”字句典范偏误类型,对阿汉语“把”字句偏误生成机制停止体系的剖析,将其归结为三条:①“当宾景象”,②导致机制,③“宾语包含句”机制。据此从母语的表层与深层机制说明了形成阿语母语者“把”字句偏误的重要缘由。4.不雅察到现代新疆、青海方言的特色、中国历代南方文献中的特别“把”字句与现代韩国粹生的毛病“把”字句分歧,从阿尔泰说话分歧的语法机制动身说明了近代汉语里特别“把”字句景象的发生机制。剖析指出:①南方汉语“将”的退位和“把”的忽然繁华,应当跟“把”的语音情势与女真语[ba]、满语[be]的宾格助词音分歧有关。②经由过程“磁铁实际”这一抽象化的比方,提出了说话接触借用机制中的“战争共存”和“互相排挤”准绳--“磁铁南北极的相吸相斥纪律”。这一实际具有通俗说话学说话接触实际的价值。5.本文所归结的四年夜偏误类型和对“特别把字句”的剖析,对还没有考核的与阿族有亲密接触确当代汉语方言和历代“阿汉语”文献中这类景象的涌现具有猜测性。6.初次经由过程Neg/Aux前置与后置的类型学映照,提醒了汉语介词语序的特别性和残留的动词性。7.初次经由过程阿语导致机制的体系剖析,提醒了阿族母语者将“使”误用为“把”的母语配景--导致机制的差别与“当宾景象”的两重搅扰。论文的最初指出了本论文的缺乏及有待研究的成绩。


This article from the native language grammar mechanism of second language acquisition occurs to start from the perspective of the influence, collect, rectification of modern "Chinese (Han Chinese and Chinese) and history of the" Chinese (Chinese and Mongolian and Chinese language and Manchu language ") in the literature" to "sentence error scene, sort out o all Chinese disagreement" to "sentences, error, which is divided into four big seven types, and then analyzes the Chinese under the big background of Arabic grammar mechanism" to "sentences, error generating mechanism and mechanism of Arabic grammar from the anti not Chinese" to "the characteristics of words and coherent syntax mechanism. The results help to in fact more deeply familiar with Chinese the words characteristics, and the typology of research can be introduced into the category of second language teaching, has certain reference value. The innovation points of this thesis. Mainly in the following points: 1. To a more comprehensive data, through the process of native language and second language grammar mechanism more profound and selectively receive other scholars indecent point, to Chinese "to" sentence focus and sentence focus sentence meaning made o v new summary ("SNeg/Aux to R" and "lead"). More comprehensive collecting the Han the quintessence of Chinese culture in the context of formal level differences "to" sentence corpus, through quantitative analysis, find the Korea student natural conditions of the important types of errors in words. 3. Through the analysis of modern Korea the quintessence of Chinese culture "to" the sentence model types of errors, of Chinese "to" sentences, error generating mechanism of the system analysis, it comes down to three: "when the object scene. Secondly, the mechanisms leading to," object contains the sentence "mechanism. Accordingly, from the mother tongue surface and deep mechanism indicate that the formation of Arabic speakers "to" an important reason words errors. 4. Observations to the characteristics of Modern Xinjiang, Qinghai Dialect and ancient Chinese southern literature especially the words and modern Korea quintessence of wrong with the words "to" differences and differences of grammatical mechanism start talk from the Altai illustrates the modern Chinese special "to" the occurrence mechanism of sentence picture. Author points out: the southern Chinese abdication "will" and "put" suddenly bustling, should with "to" about the speech situation and Jurchen language [ba], Manchu [be] accusative particle tone differences. II through the process of "magnet actual" this abstraction for example, the talk contact borrowing mechanism of "war coexistence" and "mutual exclusion" principle -- "magnetic north and south poles phase ceiling repulsion discipline." This practice has the value of talking and talking in common. 5. This paper summed up four big error types and of "special" sentence analysis, no assessment and Albanians have intimate contact indeed "Chinese" contemporary Chinese dialect and ancient literature in this kind of scene emerged with speculation. 6. For the first time through the process Neg/Aux preposition and postposition type learn mappings, remind the Chinese preposition word order and the residue of the verb. 7. For the first time through the process of Arabic in analysis of mechanism system, are a reminder of the Albanian language will "enable" misuse "of the" mother tongue background -- lead to difference of the mechanism and "when the object scene" double trouble. At first, the paper points out the lack of this paper and the results to be studied.

