
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

初级阶段泰国学生汉语声调学习偏误略论An analysis of the learning and error of Chinese tones in the primary stage of Thailand


音调久长以来都是是本国先生进修汉语语音的难点,泰语论文题目,特别是对母语为非音调说话的本国先生来讲更是如斯。泰语和汉语一样同属音调说话,和母语为非音调说话的本国先生比拟,他们进修汉语音调要绝对轻易,他们的音调偏误重要集中于音调的精准性上。本文努力于研究低级阶段泰国粹生进修汉语音调存在的成绩,泰语论文题目,采取Speech analyzer和Goldwave软件,运用实验语音学和汉语作为第二说话习得的相干实际,对云南平易近族年夜学20名低级阶段的泰国粹生停止音调发音测试和剖析,希冀为对泰语音教授教养供给较为精准的数据和样本。本文绪论对今朝对泰语音教授教养特别是音调教授教养的现状及研究现状停止了较为周全的回想。第一章扼要引见泰语音调的根本情形,并将泰语音调体系与汉语音调体系停止比较剖析。第二章对音调查询拜访对象、运用对象、查询拜访的办法步调、查询拜访表的设计、查询拜访灌音的运用和挑选做了详细解释。第三章运用语音剖析软件对泰国粹生单音节音调词语和双音节音调词语的发音情形停止剖析,找出单音节及分歧音调搭配时先生易发生的偏误和成绩。整体来看,泰国粹生平日会以母语的调型对应汉语的调型,好比,用泰语的第一声33来对应汉语的第一声55;用泰语的第二声21来对应汉语的第三声214;用泰语的第三声41来对应汉语的第四声51;用泰语的第五声14来对应汉语的第二声35等。第四章针对泰国粹生的音调偏误提出一些较可行的处理办法,包含:1、丰硕音调的模拟情势;2、有筹划地停止声带掌握演习;3、调剂音调教授教养次序和丰硕音调演习组合措施;4、强化第一声和第三声练习等。


Tone for a long time are is foreign students learning Chinese pronunciation difficulties, especially the native non tonal speak their Mr. is this predicament. Thai and Chinese belong to the same tone to speak, compared to native and non tonal to talk to foreign students, they learn Chinese tones to absolute easily, their tone bias important concentrated in tones of precision. This paper tried to research at the lower stage of pure Thailand Students Learning tones existing achievements, take speech analyzer and GoldWave software, as application of experimental phonetics and Chinese second language acquisition related theory, tone pronunciation test and the analysis of Yunnan plain near family University 20 at the lower stage of pure Thailand students, hoping to supply of Thai speech teaching more accurate data and sample. This article is an introduction to the current situation and the research status of Thai speech teaching, especially the teaching of tone, and the current research situation. The first chapter briefly introduced the basic situation of Thai tones, and Thai tone system and Chinese tone system comparative analysis. In the second chapter, the tone of voice query visit object and application object, query visit steps, query call table design, inquires the visit recording application and choose to do the detailed explanation. In the third chapter, the application of speech analysis software of Thailand pure raw monosyllabic tone words and disyllabic tone words pronunciation situation analysis, find a single syllable and differences of tone is tie-in, prone to the errors and results. Overall, the pure Thailand students usually in the mother tongue of the corresponding Chinese adjustable type, for instance, Thai first sound of 33 Chinese counterparts in the first 55; Thai second sound 21 to the Chinese equivalent of the third tone 214; Thai third sound 41 to the Chinese equivalent of the fourth sound 51; Thai fifth sound 14 to the Chinese equivalent of the second sound 35 etc.. The fourth chapter for Thailand Students pitch error some feasible ways and means, including: 1, rich tone simulation situation; 2, there are plans to stop vocal master exercise; 3, adjust the tone teaching order and rich tone exercise combination method; 4, strengthening first sound and the sound practice.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   7-11       1.1 选题缘起   7       1.2 泰国汉语声调教学探讨概况   7-9       1.3 调查对象和目的   9       1.4 探讨措施   9-10       1.5 探讨意义   10-11   第一章 汉语、泰语的声调介绍及其对比略论   11-14       1. 汉语及其声调   11-12       2. 泰语及其声调   12       3. 泰语和汉语声调对比略论   12-14   第二章 泰国学生汉语声调学习调查   14-20       1. 调查对象   14       2. 调查工具   14-16           2.1. Speech Analyzer(简称SA)   14-15           2.2. Gold Wave软件   15-16       3. 调查措施及步骤   16-17       4. 泰国留学生汉语声调学习调查表   17-20           4.1. 汉语声调学习调查表设计   17-19           4.2. 有关声调调查表的说明   19-20   第三章 初级阶段泰国学生汉语声调学习的偏误略论   20-66       1. 泰国学生汉语单音节四声声调的偏误问题略论   20-29           1.1 学生汉语单音节一声声调的偏误问题   20-22           1.2 学生汉语二声声调的偏误问题   22-24           1.3 学生汉语三声声调的偏误问题   24-27           1.4 学生汉语四声声调的偏误问题   27-29       2. 泰国学生汉语双音节四声声调的偏误问题   29-66           2.1 学生汉语双音节“一声/一声”声调的偏误问题   29-32           2.2 学生汉语双音节“一声/二声”声调的偏误问题   32-34           2.3 学生汉语双音节“一声/三声”声调的偏误问题   34-37           2.4 学生汉语双音节“一声/四声”声调的偏误问题   37-39           2.5 学生汉语双音节“二声/一声”声调的偏误问题   39-42           2.6 学生汉语双音节“二声/二声”声调的偏误问题   42-44           2.7 学生汉语双音节“二声/三声”声调的偏误问题   44-46           2.8 学生汉语双音节“二声/四声”声调的偏误问题   46-48           2.9 学生汉语双音节“三声/一声”声调的偏误问题   48-51           2.10 学生汉语双音节“三声/二声”声调的偏误问题   51-53           2.11 学生汉语双音节“三声/四声”声调的偏误问题   53-55           2.12 学生汉语双音节“四声/一声”声调的偏误问题   55-58           2.13 学生汉语双音节“四声/二声”声调的偏误问题   58-60           2.14 学生汉语双音节“四声/三声”声调的偏误问题   60-62           2.15 学生汉语双音节“四声/四声”声调的偏误问题   62-66   第四章 泰国学生汉语声调偏误成因及教学策略   66-72       1. 泰国学生汉语声调偏误总结   66           1.1 汉语普通话声调的音高不够   66           1.2 用弱一声和弱四声替代部分难发双音节   66       2. 泰国学生汉语声调偏误的成因略论   66-67           2.1 汉语普通话里声调自身的特点   66-67           2.2. 母语对学生的迁移影响   67           2.3. 录音的客观环境对学生的作用   67       3. 泰国学生汉语声调的学习策略   67-72           3.1 帮助学生丰富声调模仿的形式   67-68           3.2 有计划的进行声带控制练习   68-69           3.3 调整声调教学的顺序并将声调练习和组合方式典型化   69-70           3.4 汉语声调纠错措施   70-72   小结   72   注释   72-73   参考文献   73-75   致谢   75  
