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资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰英双语环境汉语“不”、“没”习得偏误略论一以泰国三汶莹中学EP为例Taeyoung bilingual Chinese "no" and "no" acquisition error analysis in Thailand three Wen Ying middle school as an example EP


汉语中,否认副词是表达汉语否认意义的主要情势,而“不”和“没”是古代汉语最根本最经常使用的两个否认副词。“不”用在动词、描述词或个体副词后面,表现否认。“没”否认举措或状况曾经产生。在对外汉语教授教养中,汉语否认副词教授教养一向是重点和难点。“不”和“没”的差别也让许多本国汉语进修者觉得困扰,这须要我们查询拜访剖析相干偏误语料并给出说明和提出响应的教授教养对策。笔者在泰国停止教授教养练习时体验到一种特别的教授教养形式--EP(English Program)。泰国EP班级除泰语课外,其他一切的课程均采取英语作为教授教养说话,这使得EP先生的英语程度显著高于其他泰国粹生,所以构成了泰英双语情况下汉语作为第二说话习得这一特别局势。在如许一种泰英双语情况下,若何停止有用的汉语教授教养,面临多种多样的教授教养情形该若何应对,这长短常值得研究的。本文试图经由过程在EP部分特别情况下对“不”和“没”的误用景象停止查询拜访剖析,研究泰英双语情况下汉语教授教养所遭到的作用,并剖析在这一情况下停止汉语教授教养的利害,总结出必定的经历规矩,提出响应的教授教养战略。本文包含六个部门:第一章引言。这一部门重要总结归纳综合了现有文献材料中与本课题相干的研究和实际不雅点,并由此提出了本文的研究目标和意义。第二章汉语“不”和“没”的辨析及其与泰英否认词语的比拟。在这一部门我们起首比较剖析了汉语“不”和“没”的差异,泰语论文,然后分离简略引见了泰语和英语中否认意义的表达,最初我们将汉语和英语、泰语停止了简略的比较,并总结出了它们的差异,指出进修者发生偏误的缘由,提出了响应的教授教养战略。第三章、第四章和第五章分离对泰国三汶莹中学汉语初、中、高等程度进修者对于“不”和“没”的误用情形停止查询拜访剖析,找生产生偏误的缘由并提出相符进修者现实情形的教授教养战略。第六章结语。这一部门总结了本文的重要不雅点和立异的地方,也提出了此次研究的缺乏的地方和须要持续研究的成绩。


In Chinese, the denial adverb is the main form that expresses the denial meaning of Chinese, and "no" and "no" are the two most basic and most frequently used. The "no" is used in the verb, adjective or adverb, and the expression of the "no". "No" denial of action or situation has been produced. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, it is always the emphasis and difficulty to deny the adverb. The difference between "no" and "no" is also a problem for many Chinese learners of Chinese. It is necessary for us to investigate and analyze the data and give a description of the relevant teaching strategies. I stopped teaching practice in Thailand to experience a special form of Teaching -- EP (Program English). Thai EP class in addition to Thai extracurricular and all other courses are taking English speaks as a teaching, which makes the EP's English level was significantly higher than that of other Thai students, it constitutes a ty bilingual situation of Chinese as the second language acquisition, this special situation. Under such a ty bilingual situation, how to carry on the useful Chinese teaching, face a variety of teaching situation how to deal with, this is very worthy of study. This article attempts through the process in EP part of the special situation of "no" and "not" misuse scene query visit analysis, * * * ty bilingual situation of Chinese teaching by the impact and analysis in this case to stop the pros and cons of Chinese teaching, summed up the necessarily experience rules, the response of the teaching strategy is proposed. This thesis consists of six parts: the first chapter is the introduction. This section summarizes the main summary of the existing literature and materials related to the subject of research and practical point of view, and thus put forward the objectives and significance of this study. The second chapter of Chinese "no" and "not" discrimination and denial of words than taeyoung. In this department we chapeau comparisons and analyses the Chinese "no" and "not" similarities and differences, then separated simple introduced in the Thai and English in denying the significance of expression. At first, we will stopped the brief comparison between English and Chinese, Thai, and summarizes their similarities and differences, noted that learning occurred error reason, puts forward the teaching strategy of response. The third chapter and the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter separation to Thailand San Wen Ying middle school Chinese early, medium and higher level learning are on the "no" and "not" misuse case query visit analysis and for generating error reason and put forward match learners the reality of the situation of the teaching strategy. The sixth chapter is the conclusion. The Department summarizes the important indecent point and the innovation place, also put forward the research by the lack of places and need to continue to study the results.

