This paper endeavors to read and analyze many science and technology papers.It aims at gaining the high frequency words mostly nouns and verbs and their locating contexts, through which we can get the contextual meaning of the high frequency words by using the translation techniques and obeying the English for Science and Technology (EST) translation principles(scientificity, rigorousness and accuracy).Even the same word has different meanings in different contexts. Analysing and comparing these different meanings of the same words in different contexts before getting the translation techniques of the high frequency words.At the end the paper gives some proper translation techniques of the high frequency words.
Keywords EST(English for Science and Technology ) high frequency words Translation techniques translation principles contextual meaning
关键词 科技英语 高频词汇 翻译技巧 翻译准则 语境含义
English for Science and Technology ,which can be abbreviated as EST, refers to all the written and spoken English that deal with science or technology. Due to the tendency of globalization more and more Science-technology papers have come into being, and it has become an urgent task for the translator to translate these EST papers rigorously and accurately. It is not easy to do so for the translators because the Science-technology texts have their own features such as scientificity, rigorousness and accuracy(Hu Weiping & Zhang Lei, 2017(3): 41-43). In this paper we will learn the features of the EST texts , which are inducted by former translators and scholars. Based on theories of their books and papers we can assort the features into three classifications : words features , sentences structure features and grammar features( Fan Wuqiu, 2017: 1-85). All these features defer the EST from other forms of English. |