
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This paper describes the importance of "the United States of America" in twentieth Century in the German society, the representation and influence. In early twentieth Century, the United States completed the industrial revolution, into the ancient society, the impact on Europe, especially Germany, is becoming more and more. The Weimar Republic era, Germany, ushered in the "Americanization" of a boom, the largest public civilization and advanced skills give birth method was introduced to Germany, Germany's modernization process to the stimulative action. After World War II, Germany defeated, the United States occupied West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany), "the United States" in the West Germany comprehensive spread, the West Germany's political, economic, cultural and other aspects of the emergence of a deep imprint of American civilization. On the scene, the German science emerged in two different sound. Through the process of "the United States" of the German civilization, on the Chinese in the world of globalization, how to respond to the challenge of foreign civilization has played a certain significance.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   8-12   第一章 美国化一词的概念及由来   12-14       本章 小结   13-14   第二章 论述美国化对德国文化作用的缘由   14-16       本章 小结   15-16   第三章 美国化在德国文化发展过程中具体表现   16-30       第一节 全球美国化   16-17       第二节 德国的美国化   17-30           一、魏玛共和国   17-20               (一)历史背景   17-18               (二)大众传媒的发展与文化生活的美国化   18-19               (三)德国传统文化在美国化社会中遭遇的困境   19-20           二 、 第 三帝 国 时 期   20-23               (一)历史背景   20-21               (二)美国化显著成果--德国大众汽车的诞生   21-22               (三)大众媒介的传播--统治阶级的思想宣传工具   22-23           三、二战后德国   23-30               本章小结   28-30   第四章 德国人关于美国化在德国蔓延的态度   30-33       第一节 赞同美国化   30-31       第二节 抵制美国化   31-32       本章小结   32-33   第五章 中国如何对待外来文化   33-35       本章小结   33-35   结语   35-37   参考文献   37-39   致谢   39  
