
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



On the night of November 1, 1897, two German priests were killed in Juye County, Shandong province. German colonial people as a carrier, violated the Jiaozhou bay. In March 1898, the German colonial authorities forced the Qing government to sign the "rubber Australia lease", and in Qingdao to establish its colonial rule, the beginning of the implementation of colonial rule. At the same time, a large number of German soldiers, merchants and missionaries left Qingdao, taking them as the carrier of German culture and to the local residents in the carrier of Chinese civilization from the beginning of the collision and exchange. The German monks in Qingdao, as a special group, should not be neglected. The annual night of celecoxib most cloth Taoist career in the local village, and when people are in close contact, the important duty of this special group of sermons, in an attempt to Chinese reform into a committed Christian, without reluctantly return to Shunde country colonial ruled nearly. In order to achieve this goal, the preacher who try to using a variety of means and a series of measures: like in addition to the traditional growing Christians and establish a parish outside, they also actively running school, establishing hospitals and orphanages, for the benefit of local residents, in order to win the Chinese people good feeling. In China the German cloth monks central Wei Lixian, can be regarded as the special case. Formerly known as Richard William Wilhelm, born in 1873 in Tuebingen, Germany, 1899 as a German with the good will of missionaries to leave Qingdao. He called himself "never for a Chinese wash first, become a" sermon preacher". Wei Lixian lived in China for 25 years, 22 years ago in Qingdao, after 3 years in Beijing. Time, he experienced the Chinese society from boxer to the revolution of 1911, and then to the unrest and fission of the "May Fourth New Culture Movement". As a preacher, Wei Lixian was always keen to Chinese traditional civilization, and Qing Dynasty Civil gentleman travel very article, and with them to establish a sincere friendship. In the spring of 1913, he in the quintessence of the eve of the division under the guidance of Lao Naixuan start translation "book of changes", 1923 in Beijing completed the translation, 1924 in Germany typography. In addition to the "book of changes", Wei Lixian also many Chinese civilization House books translated into German, such as "the Analects of Confucius", "moral", "Lu age" and so on. These translations quickly into the mainstream German society view, Hesse and other modern German knowledge elite like the great influence. In addition, Wei Lixian has also written a number of books about China and Chinese culture, such as "Chinese heart", "Chinese Literature", "in the history of Chinese civilization", "Chinese philosophy" and so on. Among them, "China mind" was translated into English published in early 1928, has had the profound influence in eastern scholars. At the same time, Wei Lixian take a strong interest in school, in spring 1901, in with the good will of the support and sponsorship, Wei Lixian in Qingdao has set an independent school, named "ritual Academy (now in Qingdao 9), in disagreement with other missionaries in the form of running a school is, Lixian Academy in fact not to let Mr. converted to Christianity as the goal. Important listed in Rhenish college does not offer Zong teach, Sir in Oriental learning science and civilization at the same time, also want to study classics of Chinese civilization. For school credit outstanding, Wei Lixian in 1904 was the authorities reward "four top wear" in this paper, the joint cross civilization designed sowing coherent practical and during the 1897 to 1914, Qingdao as the German concession the history analysis of German and Chinese civilization collision and German car missionary Wilhelm Germany civilization spread and exchange to make contribution. The detailed representation: Wei Lixian why be unlearned of Chinese civilization in the vibration, and from our own responsibility, for the Chinese traditional civilization spread with lifetime mental: after all, there are factors which prompted Richard Wilhelm from a faithful Christian missionaries changed to become a Chinese traditional civilization spread their, east of the world know China and traditional civilization to open a window; Wei Lixian for translation of Chinese traditional civilization after all made what important contribution, the Sino German cultural communities of Wei Lixian made contributions to comment.

