
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

跟着最近几年诺贝尔文学奖取得者两度涌现在德语作家中,如1999年德国作家君特一格拉斯(Günter Grass)。其获奖来由著作带有激烈的人性主义思惟和社会义务感。1959年揭橥的小说《铁皮鼓》被誉为德国社会的完善写照,也被评论界以为是战后欧洲的最好小说。2004年埃尔弗里德·耶利内克(1943—),奥天时女作家。重要著作有《钢琴教员》,《女恋人们》,《我们是骗子,德语论文,瑰宝》及《情欲》等小说。2017年,赫塔·米勒(Herta Müller,1953-),罗马尼亚裔的德国女性小说家、诗人、散文家。获奖来由“专注于诗歌和散文的率真,描述了掉业人群的生涯图景”。代表著作:《心兽》、《狐狸那时已经是猎人》、《低地》、《明天我不肯面临本身》、《呼吸秋千》(2017年获奖著作)等。最近几年世界规模内又掀起对德国文学研究的高潮。而德国文学的光辉残暴的时代重要集中在古典主义文学时代,其代表人物为歌德席勒,是以对他们二人的研究就构成了各方面学者存眷的核心。歌德席勒友谊足以照彻欧洲文学史半边天空的传奇。没有他们,十九世纪的文明星空将不再闪亮。两位巨人于1794年相遇,从此便开拓了以“歌德和席勒的友情”为特点的德国古典文学的全盛时代。在10年的时光里,两位巨人在创作上相互赞助,各自写出了他们的名作。在席勒德增进下,歌德创作了他终生巨著《浮士德》。而席勒也在歌德的赞助增进下创作了名著如《玛丽娅·斯图亚特》(1801),《奥尔良的姑娘》(1802),《威廉·退尔》,《欢快颂》等。两位巨人10年的相处与协作把德国古典文学推向了岑岭,并使两位巨人其时的栖身地魏玛这座小小的公园首都一度成为德国与欧洲的文明中间。同时也是德国和欧洲文学史上有名的“古典主义”时代。是以本文对二者之间友情的研究就显得尤其有价值。本文重要分为四个部门,第一部门重要是引见两位巨人生涯时期的社会汗青配景及文明配景。个中包含两位巨人出身时代欧洲风行的文明思惟天然主义,自在主义和发蒙活动。第二部门是两人了解之前各自的生涯及创作状态。席勒在与歌德了解之前就已创作了巨著《匪徒》《诡计与恋爱》,该剧的表演其时曾惊动一时,年夜年夜启示了人们的思惟。而歌德在此之前也曾经创作出具有世界作用力的文学作品《铁手骑士葛兹·封·伯里欣根》《少年维特之懊恼》《哀格蒙特》。第三部门是两人之间的友情的引见,友情发生的时光所在及缘由。两人在一次对于天然主义常识评论辩论的探讨会上了解,评论辩论了对于天然界万物的来源的成绩后,彼此留下深入印象,从此便开端了绝代友谊。第四部门是对于两人协作的引见,包含报刊创作和文学上的协作。其时两人协作开办了焦点期刊《季候女神》等,后来在相互的勉励和赞助下,歌德创作小说《威廉·迈斯特的进修年月》,《亲和力》(1809),诗集《西东合集》(1819),《诗与真》(1831),《浮士德》(1831),席勒创作了巨作《玛丽娅·斯图亚特》(1801),《奥尔良的姑娘》(1802),《威廉·退尔》,《欢快颂》。总结来讲,德语论文范文,没有歌德和席勒,没有两位巨人10年的友情与协作,德国和欧洲的文明星空将不再残暴,人类的文明宝库也会少了许多出色名贵的内容,是以对于歌德和席勒友情及他们文学上协作创作著作研究有侧重要的文明价值和文学价值,同时最近几年来文学界中德国文学作家几回再三成为人们核心同样成为本文研究歌德和席勒友情,研究德国文学精髓一古典文学的主要意义地点。


Follow the Nobel Prize for literature in recent years made them twice to emerge in German writers, such as 1999 German writer Gunter a glass (g u nter grass). The winning reason works with fierce humanistic thought and social responsibility. 1959 enunciated the novel the tin drum was known for perfect portrayal of German society, has also been critics thought it was the best novel of postwar Europe. 2004 Elfried Jelinek (1943 -), Austrian days women writers. Major works include "the piano teacher", "female lovers", "we are liars," and "treasure" erotic novels. In 2017, Herta Miller (Herta M ller, 1953), German female novelist, poet and essayist born in Romania. Winning reason "focus on poetry and prose of frank, describes the career picture unemployed population". Representative works: the heart of the beast, the fox was already Hunter "," lowland "," tomorrow, I would not face "," breathing swing "(2017 winners). In recent years, the world has set off a climax of the study of German literature. And the brilliance of German literature and brutal era of important focus in the era of classical literature, the representatives of Goethe and Schiller is to study the two of them constitute the scholars concern the core. The friendship between Gerd and Schiller is enough to illuminate the legend of the sky in the history of European literature. Without them, the nineteenth Century civilizations will no longer shine. The two giants in 1794 met and began to develop the characterized by "the friendship of Goethe and Schiller" of German classical literature's heyday. In 10 years, the two giants sponsored each other in writing, write each of their masterpieces. In Schiller's getting Gerd created his lifelong masterpiece, "Faust". And Schiller also in Goethe's sponsorship of the promotion of the creation of the classics such as "Maria Stuart" (1801), the New Orleans girl "(1802)," William Tell "," happy song "and so on. The two giants 10 years of coexistence and cooperation to German classical literature promoted the cen Ling, and the two giants of the privileged to live to Weimar, a small park in the capital became the German and European cultural center. At the same time is also a famous "classical" era in the history of German and European literature. In this paper, the friendship between the two studies is particularly valuable. This paper is divided into four departments. The first part is introduction two giant's career period social and historical background and civilization with the view. It contains two giant born era European popular civilization thought of natural realism, liberalism and enlightenment. The second sector is the two person to understand their career and creative state. Schiller in before understand Goethe and created masterpiece "bandits" "deception and love", the performances of the play meantime had alerted the moment, Nianyenianye revealed the people's thinking. And Goethe before also once creation that has influence on the world literature "Tieshou Knight Gtz von bury Hin root" "Young Werther chagrin" "Egmont". The third sector is the introduction of the friendship between the two, the time of the occurrence of friendship and reason. Two people in a study of natural common sensism comment debate understanding, review the debate about the nature of all things, each left deep impression, peerless, friendship, then from the beginning. The fourth section is about the introduction of the collaboration of the two people, including the publication of the newspaper and literature collaboration. Meantime two people cooperation opened the core journals of the season goddess ", later under the mutual encouragement and support, creation of Goethe's novel the Wilhelm Meister's study years", "affinity" (1809), poetry anthology "the West Eastern divan" (1819), "poem and true" (1831), "Faust" (1831), Schiller wrote masterpiece "Maria Stuart" (1801), the New Orleans girl "(1802)," William Tell ", the cheerful song." Summary of terms, there is no Goethe and Schiller, no two giants of the 10 years of friendship and cooperation, German and European civilization star will no longer be brutal, treasure house of human civilization will much less well valuable content is on the friendship of Goethe and Schiller and their literary collaboration a research works side important cultural value and literature value, also in recent years literature in German literature writer several times again become a core of people also become the research of Goethe and Schiller friendship, studying German literature essence of classical literature and important place.

