
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The Grimm's fairy tales in China has more than one hundred years, however, the research on it also means less and it's well known position matching, now also not special paper on it in China for centuries spread reception history as a comb. The Grimm's fairy tales in China 's translation of spread as the research object, using semiotics, after the ancient practice is an important method of research, the important points for four departments. The first section is a summary of the research situation of Green's fairy tales in China, and also a brief introduction to the fairy tale of the German Romantic era and the Green brothers qualified Forest Fairy Tales. The second part introduces Grimm's fairy tales in the modern Chinese translation and spread, and focus on the analysis of the scholars in the late Qing Dynasty, five to four, and 30 years after the positioning and receiving, and it in China to foster a new civilization display effect. The third sector analysis to the cultural revolution after the founding of the era, the two fairy tale of Green suffered criticism. The translation of fourth departments introduced Green in the modern fairy tale China spread situation. Analysis in the modern context of such a multicultural, Green's fairy tales and the eve of the public civilization, popular civilization collision. In the post ancient context, Green's fairy tales have been rewritten and overthrown in China. In the visual media era, Green's fairy tales and the emergence of its current value and permanent glamour. Through the combing process of history and reality, combined with an authorized period of form of discourse, reality and energy combined, so as to delineate the Grimm's fairy tales in China's travel path. With the change of time, the Chinese interpretation of Green's fairy tales will continue to be in the process of China's travel in China.


论文摘要   6-7   ABSTRACT   7   引言:问题的产生   9-12   第一章 格林童话的探讨综述和简介   12-19       第一节 《格林童话》国内探讨综述   12-13       第二节 格林兄弟与《儿童与家庭童话故事集》   13-19           1、德国浪漫主义时期的童话与格林兄弟   13-15           2、《格林童话》--不断修正的审美:从民间文学到儿童文学   15-19   第二章 格林童话在近现代中国   19-34       第一节 晚清至五四时期   19-26       第二节 20世纪30至40年代   26-29       第三节 格林童话的引入与新文化建设   29-34   第三章 建国后到文革前格林童话遭受的两次批判   34-43   第四章 格林童话在当代中国   43-57       第一节 文革后至2017年期间格林童话的译介情况   43-48       第二节 格林童话与大众流行文化   48-51       第三节 后现代语境中的格林童话   51-57           1、落入后现代语境的文学批评   51-52           2、中国的后现代格林童话   52-54           3、对"初版格林童话"的游戏   54-55           4、格林童话与《喜羊羊和灰太狼》   55-57   结语:说不尽的格林童话   57-58   参考文献   58-62   后记   62-64  
