
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



China and between nations in the political, economic, and cultural exchange is becoming more frequent, on the level of Chinese language request also subsequently rise ceaselessly. For a variety of goals, than Fangxing induced preferences, enhance their competitiveness etc., many students start choice except English second foreign language learning. In addition to the second foreign language in Colleges and universities, but also into the middle school classroom. In 2017 the German Academic Exchange Center data show that it has Chinese Wuqianjiubaiduo in Mr. in learning german. Although the number in front of the total number of the students like a drop in the bucket, but middle school study German to the rapid increase in the number of trend is put into neglect. The school opened German lessons important concentrated in the coastal city flourishing. The level of internationalization and urban comprehensive strength of the city of Shanghai also makes its foreign language teaching in higher degree, medium high school language classes, input and by the support in the provinces of preemptive. But in the middle school level has been valued by German and English cannot be mentioned in the same breath. In recent years, the school opened a German course number increases ceaselessly, the quality of teaching has no obvious promotion. In the middle school teaching will expand multilingual is China's foreign language teaching to deepen the growth needed to prepare, but how to break through the bottleneck of the German middle school, benign growth is a very worthy of study. The Shanghai Caoyang No.2 high school is an important case, analysis of the high school German course form, application materials, Mr. learning goals and outcomes of and through the process of speak learning strategy questionnaire (SILL) survey know Mr. learning methods. The author wishes through the process of the German class Mr. Cao Yang Erzhong of German recent empirical research study, puts forward some suggestions to perfect the teaching form of high school German back.


内容摘要   6   ABSTRACT   7-11   1. Einfuhrung   11-22       1.1 Forschungsmotivation   11-13       1.2 Forschungsstand   13-20           1.2.1 Untersuchungsbeitrager   14-17           1.2.2 Theoretische Grundlagen der empirischen Untersuchung   17-20       1.3 Aufbau   20-22   2. Entwicklung des Deutschunterrichts an Schulen in China   22-33       2.1 Historischer Hintergrund   22-28           2.1.1 Anfange und Entwicklung bis zum 1.Weltkrieg   22-24           2.1.2 Die Zeit nach dem 1.Weltkrieg bis zur Offnungspolitik 1978   24-26           2.1.3 Nach der Offnungspolitik 1978 bis zur Gegenwart   26-28       2.2 Die gegenwartige Situation in Shanghai   28-33           2.2.1 Deutsche Schulen Shanghai   28-29           2.2.2 DSD-Programm an den Schulen Shanghais   29-32           2.2.3 Deutschlemen an anderen Schulen Shanghais   32-33   3. Deutschlernen an der Caoyang No.2 High School   33-57       3.1 Entwicklung des Deutschunterrichts an der Caoyang   34-35       3.2 Rahmenbedingungen der Deutschklassen   35-39           3.2.1 Alltagliche Lehrplane   35-38           3.2.2 Sommerkurs in Deutschland   38-39       3.3 Lehrwerke   39-43           3.3.1 Lehrwerke fur DSD-Klassen   39-41           3.3.2 Lehrwerke fur die Tongji-Klasse   41-43       3.4 Lernschwierigkeiten und Lernmethoden   43-51           3.4.1 Charakteristika des schulischen Deutschlernens   44-47           3.4.2 Faktoren,die die Strategieauswahl beeinflussen   47-51       3.5 Lernergebnisse   51-57           3.5.1 DSD-Ergebnisse   52-54           3.5.2 Teilnahme an deutschen Veranstaltungen   54-56           3.5.3 Studium der DSD-Absolventen   56-57   4. Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung und Ausblick   57-79       4.1 Durchfuhrung der Untersuchung   57-62           4.1.1 Versuchspersonen   58-59           4.1.2 Haufigkeitsverteilung und Mittelwert der Items   59-62       4.2 Faktorenanalyse   62-66           4.2.1 Geschlecht   62-63           4.2.2 Alter   63-64           4.2.3 Lerndauer   64-66       4.3 Lernmotivation   66-72           4.3.1 Schuler und Schulereltern   66-69           4.3.2 Interessen chinesischer Schulen und deutscher Organisationen   69-72       4.4 Ausblick auf die Entwicklungsm6glichkeiten des Deutschunterrichts an Schulen   72-79           4.4.1 Probleme des Deutschunterrichts an Schulen   72-76           4.4.2 L6sungsvorschlage und Entwicklungsm6glichkeiten des Deutschunterrichts an Schulen   76-79   5. Schlussbemerkung   79-82   Anhang   82-90   Literaturverzeichnis   90-95   Danksagung   95  
