
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Sense of language and teaching achievements since the 1990s, the academic and language taught circles concern for the popular, researchers in the sense of language essence, language mechanism, sense of language teaching of roads, etc., do a more profound discussion, but needless to say, straight to the former, sense of language essence, constitutes a language mechanism performance review debate remains inconclusive, sense of language teaching still can't find can be fruitfully to, by extension, the practice. This thesis is based on the teaching of language sense and language sense. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main body of the thesis is opened to the four chapter. The first chapter summarizes eighty years of language sense and language sense teaching research. In on the basis of literature review, a comprehensive summary and draw in 80 years, language sense and language sense teaching existing research results, think about the essence of language definition should be take static definition, sense of language formation mechanism should have the support of the test data, the language teaching should sponsor Mr. completed with high quality German sense of obligation to complete the high level application to speak words. The second chapter discuss the essence of the sense of language and the psychological mechanism of the sense of language. In the sense of language essence, is currently the most incisive is actually "mental skills theory", the reality that the language sense is a kind of mental skills, the reality of these formulation on narrow the inner sense of language. This thesis thinks that language is individual because response to the language need to trigger the precipitation in the hearts of the speech community and in the speech community through the action of the output speech stop the process of decoding or encoding of speech input. Narrow sense its connotation also includes personal master the language off spirit scene, performance ego creativeness of language creation scene and speech motor epiphany scene. In this paper, the problem of Gao Pinde's sense of language is the composition of the group's language experience. The third chapter analyzes the current situation of the high school language sense to visit the data. Application spss17. 0 swap data stop analysis method, the investigation of a high school three grades Mr. in the sense of familiarity and can and does not show significant differences; survey data on the frequency distribution also shows an error that probably he is familiar with, that is, they think language actually don't need no consciousness to create. Analysis of query visit data to draw conclusions reaction after middle school Chinese teaching language created by missing, thus explaining the middle school Chinese teaching in the unconscious of creating a sense of urgency, the main character and the need for. The fourth chapter puts forward the teaching form of the sense of language. This article from the language of the crux of the problem of a group of language experience to start, the test of the building structure on the language sense of teaching form. Ordinal for: passion into, learning objectives, to read the text, read the text, and with the form of the French department is divided into five parts.

