
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

二战停止后的第五十年德语文学因本哈德·施林克的小说《朗诵者》又从新吸引了众人的存眷。这部被翻译成25种说话的小说成为首部登上纽约时期杂志滞销书第一名的德语书本,同君特一格拉斯的《铁皮鼓》和帕德里克一徐四金的《喷鼻水》一路被誉为德国战后文学最胜利的文学著作。《朗诵者》讲述了一段产生在第二次世界年夜战后德国的恋爱故事,整部小说是一名50岁阁下的司法律传授米夏一伯格的生涯回想录,故工作节以第一口气的措施,从15岁起,至“我”成为司法律传授止。“我”与文盲女主人公汉娜的恋爱故事为小说主线,贯串一直。小说中包含了恋爱,罪恶等多重主题,耐人寻味,发人沉思,出现出二战后阅历过纳粹统治的德国人对汗青的寻思与反思。米夏对汉娜的庞杂情素也反应出德国战后一代对父辈庞杂情绪:应若何看待那些在战斗中犯下罪恶的人?文盲的女主人公汉娜为了不本身的机密被揭穿,选择了缧绁生涯,终究以他杀的措施在狱中停止了性命,也激发我们再次反思:文明的社会中个别的庄严与性命孰重孰轻。然则笔者以为,《朗诵者》是第一部真正胜利的以文学虚拟的措施讲述年夜屠戮汗青的德国小说。是以笔者决议以“羞辱感”这一精力剖析作为文本研究的动身点,为小说阐释供给新的视角,援用心思学家Leon Wurmser的羞辱实际来剖析男女主人公在三个标记性的人生阶段中的分歧行动表示,从而表现“羞辱感”在其个别成长中所起的严重感化,完成对小说的另外一种阐释。自《朗诵者》问世起来,德语毕业论文,对于小说的阐释一向都环绕着爱与责,若何对待汗青等主题。本文基于对男女主人公“羞辱感”的精力剖析能够会有分歧于别人的懂得和感悟,愿望能借此加倍丰硕小说的人物抽象,增长“羞辱感”这一精力剖析实际与文学著作解读的联合。


After World War II, the fiftieth year German literature has attracted the attention of many people because of Bernhard Schlink's novel. This is translated into novel of 25 languages become first appeared on the New York Times Magazine unsalable books the first German books, Gunter Grass the tin drum and Patrick Xu four golds "nasal spray water, all the way was hailed as the most successful postwar German literature literary works. "Recite" tells the story of the period after the Second World War Germany's love story, the whole novel is a 50 year old your judicial Professor Micha Berger career memoir, so working day to the breath method, from the age of 15 to me to be judicial Professor check. "I" and illiterate heroine Hanna love story line throughout the novel. Contained in the novel of love, guilt multiple themes, thought-provoking, meditation, after the Second World War experienced Nazi Germans on the history of thinking and reflection. Mischa Hanna's complex situation also reflects the generation of the German post-war generation of complex emotions: how should we look at those who commit crimes in the fight? Illiteracy of the heroine Hannah to itself is not secret was revealed, chose prison life, after all, to murder in prison stop life also inspire us to rethink about: social civilization and individual solemn and life the pros and cons. However, the author thinks, "reading" is the first real victory to literature on virtual methods about killing of the eve of the history of German novel. Is to the resolution to "shame" the energy analysis as the starting point of the text research and novel interpretation provide a new angle for, quoting psychologist Leon Wurmser humiliating practical to analyze the hero and heroine in the life stage of the three markers of different action said, from the "sense of shame" in the individual development in the major role, another interpretation of the novel. Since the "reader" came out, the interpretation of the novel has always been around the love and responsibility, how to treat history and other topics. In this paper, based on the energy of the hero and heroine "shame sense" analysis can will have differences in others understand and comprehend, wishes to take this double rich characters in the novel abstraction, an increase of "shame" the energy analysis combined with practice and understanding of literary works.


摘要   6-7   Zusammenfassung   7   Kapitel 1 Einleitung   9-11       1.1 Entstehung und Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit   9-10       1.2 Struktur dieser Arbeit   10-11   Kapitel 2 Uber die Schamtheorie und den Roman   11-22       2.1 Eine kurze Einfuhrung in die Schamtheorie   11       2.2 Drei Hauptformen der Scham   11-16           2.2.1 Die Schamangst   13-14           2.2.2 Scham als Reaktionsmuster   14-15           2.2.3 Scham als Reaktionsbildung   15-16       2.3 Bipolaritat und Zweischichtigkeit der Scham   16-17       2.4 Wiedergabe des Romans   17-19       2.5 Streit um den Roman   19-22   Kapitel 3 Der Roman Der Vorleser-die unter Scham lebenden Hauptpersonen   22-42       3.1 Michael Berg   22-34           3.1.1 Scham fur die Liebe zu der 36jahrigen Frau   23-29           3.1.2 Scham fur die Liebe zu der KZ-Aufseherin   29-32           3.1.3 Angst vor der Konfrontation mit der Gegenwart   32-34       3.2 Hanna Schmitz   34-42           3.2.1 Scham fur Analphabetismus   35-39           3.2.2 Uberwindung der Scham   39-42   Kapitel 4 Schlusswort   42-43   Dankeswort   43-44   Literaturverzeichnis   44-46   Veroffentlichung   46  
