(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文从跨文明的角度动身,对汉语作为第二外语教材的内容停止了比拟剖析。以中国和德国分离出书的两部教材《跟我学汉语》(德语版)和《懂不懂》为例,对这两本书停止了描述、剖析和整顿。1、经由过程剖析教材,懂得两部教材在编写形式上的根本特色。2、从跨文明的视角剖析两部教材,比拟差异。3、比拟二者在办法和理念上的异同。经由过程比拟和剖析,最初得出结论:第一,两部教材在编写形式上有同有异。雷同点在于它们都重视汉语常识的体系性和迷信性,德语论文网站,分歧点是表示汉语语法语音、中国文明的措施。《懂不懂》最年夜的特色是能从德国人的角度去思虑,它编写的形式相符德国外语教授教养的习气,并能联合德国文明、德语说话的特色给运用者提出进修汉语的建议和提醒,该书的上述特色是《跟我学汉语》所缺少的。其次,在教材内容的选择支配上,两书也是分歧的。《懂不懂》课文以德国作为故事配景,是进修者置身在熟习的情况中进修汉语。书中重视引见中国国情等配景常识,引入值得商量的资料来剖析中国当下的成绩。重视从分歧层面来懂得中国,推重多元的”中国文明”。必定水平上消解了能够的成见。《跟我学汉语》也能留意采取跨文明外交的场景,支配分歧人之间的对话场景。引诱先生思虑现实外交中的情形。然则在引见中国国情方面,《跟》没有做出深刻的描写或许正文。对进修者能够的文明认知难度预感不敷。最初,在理念方面,第一,在跨文明外交进修的立场方面是分歧的,《懂不懂》是将说话进修当做跨文明外交的一部门;《跟我学汉语》更重视说话进修在说话的进修傍边强调现实的跨文明外交才能。第二,在两个国度出书的统一阶段的这两本教材中,我们能看到在跨文明的深度、真实性、反思性上,《跟我学汉语》的表示整体上不如《懂不懂》。在跨文明外交角度的思虑不敷。总而言之,从对《懂不懂》的剖析中,德语论文范文,我们可以懂得德国汉语教授教养者的教授教养目的和不雅念,增进我国汉语教材和教授教养的成长立异。 Abstract: This article from a cross-cultural perspective, by comparing the analysis of Chinese as the second language teaching content. China and Germany were published two textbooks the with me learning Chinese (German version) and "understand don't understand," for example, in both the book stopped description, analysis and rectification. 1, through the analysis of teaching materials, to understand the basic characteristics of the two teaching materials in the preparation of the form. 2, from the perspective of cross culture analysis of two textbooks, similarities and differences. 3, compare the differences between the two methods and ideas. Through comparison and analysis, the first conclusion is: first, two textbooks is different in written form. A similar point is that they all pay attention to the knowledge of Chinese system and scientific, the bifurcation point is Chinese pronunciation and grammar of the Chinese civilization. "Understand" the biggest feature is being able to consider from the point of view of the German. It is written in the form of consistent habit of foreign language teaching in Germany, and combined with German culture, German speaking characteristic to the application who proposed learning Chinese and reminders, the above characteristics of the the book is "with me learning Chinese" lack of. Secondly, in the choice of the content of the textbook, the two book is also different. "Understand" the text to Germany as the story background, is in learning the Chinese language learners in familiar situations. The book introduces background conditions of China attention into knowledge, worth discussing data to analysis China immediate results. Attention from different levels to understand China, respect pluralism "Chinese civilization". A certain level of resolution can be a prejudice. "Learn Chinese with me" can also pay attention to take cross culturaldiplomatic scenes between different people dominated dialogue scene. The situation of the temptation to consider the reality of foreign affairs. But in the introduction of China's national conditions, the "with" did not make a profound description of the text may be. Have a sense of the civilization of the advanced education is not enough. Initially, in terms of philosophy. First, in terms of cross cultural diplomacy study position is different, "to understand don't understand" is the language learning as cross cultural diplomacy on the part of; the with me learning Chinese pay more attention to language learning in language learning Bangbian emphasize practical cross cultural diplomacy to. The second, published in two countries unified stage two of the textbooks, we can see in the depth of cross civilization, authenticity, reflective, "learn Chinese with me" said overall as "know do not know". In the perspective of cross cultural diplomacy is not enough. Altogether, according to "understand" the analysis, we can understand German Chinese teaching the teaching purpose and indecent read, promote the growth of the innovation of Chinese teaching materials and teaching. 目录: |