
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This article from a cross-cultural perspective, by comparing the analysis of Chinese as the second language teaching content. China and Germany were published two textbooks the with me learning Chinese (German version) and "understand don't understand," for example, in both the book stopped description, analysis and rectification. 1, through the analysis of teaching materials, to understand the basic characteristics of the two teaching materials in the preparation of the form. 2, from the perspective of cross culture analysis of two textbooks, similarities and differences. 3, compare the differences between the two methods and ideas. Through comparison and analysis, the first conclusion is: first, two textbooks is different in written form. A similar point is that they all pay attention to the knowledge of Chinese system and scientific, the bifurcation point is Chinese pronunciation and grammar of the Chinese civilization. "Understand" the biggest feature is being able to consider from the point of view of the German. It is written in the form of consistent habit of foreign language teaching in Germany, and combined with German culture, German speaking characteristic to the application who proposed learning Chinese and reminders, the above characteristics of the the book is "with me learning Chinese" lack of. Secondly, in the choice of the content of the textbook, the two book is also different. "Understand" the text to Germany as the story background, is in learning the Chinese language learners in familiar situations. The book introduces background conditions of China attention into knowledge, worth discussing data to analysis China immediate results. Attention from different levels to understand China, respect pluralism "Chinese civilization". A certain level of resolution can be a prejudice. "Learn Chinese with me" can also pay attention to take cross culturaldiplomatic scenes between different people dominated dialogue scene. The situation of the temptation to consider the reality of foreign affairs. But in the introduction of China's national conditions, the "with" did not make a profound description of the text may be. Have a sense of the civilization of the advanced education is not enough. Initially, in terms of philosophy. First, in terms of cross cultural diplomacy study position is different, "to understand don't understand" is the language learning as cross cultural diplomacy on the part of; the with me learning Chinese pay more attention to language learning in language learning Bangbian emphasize practical cross cultural diplomacy to. The second, published in two countries unified stage two of the textbooks, we can see in the depth of cross civilization, authenticity, reflective, "learn Chinese with me" said overall as "know do not know". In the perspective of cross cultural diplomacy is not enough. Altogether, according to "understand" the analysis, we can understand German Chinese teaching the teaching purpose and indecent read, promote the growth of the innovation of Chinese teaching materials and teaching.

