
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

2017年中国网平易近人数跨越美国,就数目而言一举成为世界第一。作为“第四媒体”的收集的敏捷突起,为人类开拓了一种全然分歧于以往任何措施的交换手腕,同时也深入作用着人们的说话生涯和实际生涯,收集说话随之出生。收集说话是互联网催生的说话变异景象,汉语、英语、德语、日语中都有收集说话。收集说话不只具有奇特的运用者和外交场所,也具有奇特的表达功效,最近几年来,汉语的收集说话备受存眷且意见纷歧,德语论文,究其缘由,重要是对收集说话的性质、特色和表达功效有分歧的懂得。 本文把收集说话中最具变更性、最能表现收集特色的部门一收集词语作为研究对象,试图经由过程对收集说话研究综述、收集词语表意、收集词语的构词等成绩的剖析,为全部收集说话的研究和词语的研究供给有益的素材和自创。 全文四部门以下: 第一章收集说话综述经由过程收集说话的寄义性质、收集说话的表示情势和生成措施、收集说话的特色和收集说话发生动因和机制的研究等四部门对收集研究的现状、价值停止归结。 第二章收集词语的表意特色依照收集词语所依靠的内在情势,德语论文,将其分为汉语类、字母类、数字类和图形和标点符号类等四品种型,并详细剖析了收集词语的表意特色。 第三章收集词语的构词特色经由过程对收集词语五种重要构词措施的剖析,简明论述了收集词语的构词特色。 结论 总结归纳综合全文不雅点。


2017 the number of Chinese people across the United States, the number of people in one fell swoop become the world's first. As the "fourth media" collection of agile processes, for human beings to open up a completely different from the past, the exchange of any method, but also a profound impact on people's life and the real life, the collection of speech will be born. Collecting speech is the birth of the Internet, the phenomenon of language variation, Chinese, English, German, Japanese, there are collected to speak. The collection of speech not only has a unique application and diplomatic places, but also has a unique expression of the effect of the recent years, the Chinese language collection and talk much attention and opinions vary, investigate its reason, it is important to collect the nature, characteristics and expression of the effect of different understanding. In this paper, the collected speech most change, the collection featured a collection of words as the research object, trying to through the analysis of the process of collecting speech research, collecting words meaning, collecting words of word formation results and discussion and the words speak for the collection of all the research provides useful material and created. The four part of the paper is as follows: the first chapter is the summary of the status quo and value of the research on the collection of the four departments, such as the nature of the speech, the collection of the situation and the characteristics of the formation, the characteristics and mechanism of the collection. The ideographic characteristics of the second chapter mainly collects the words in accordance with collecting words depends on the internal situation, the Chinese class, letters, figures and graphics and punctuation class four varieties, and a detailed analysis of the expressive characteristics of collecting words. In the third chapter, the paper analyzes the characteristics of word formation, which is the five important word formation methods. The conclusion summarizes the comprehensive full text is not the point.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-5  
引言   5-7  
    一、问题的提出   5-5  
    二、探讨措施   5-6  
    三、本文语料来源   6-7  
第一章 网络语言探讨的综述   7-18  
    第一节 网络语言含义、性质的探讨综述   7-10  
        1.1.1 网络语言的含义综述   7-8  
        1.1.2 网络语言的性质综述   8-10  
    第二节 网络语言的表现形式和生成方式探讨综述   10-12  
        1.2.1 网络语言的表现形式探讨综述   10-11  
        1.2.2 网络词语生成方式探讨综述   11-12  
    第三节 网络语言的特点的探讨综述   12-15  
        1.3.1 网络语言的基本特点   12-13  
        1.3.2 网络语言的语境、语体特征综述   13-15  
    第四节 对于网络语言产生动因和机制的探讨   15-18  
        1.4.1 网络语言产生的动因   15-16  
        1.4.2 网络语言的生成规律   16-18  
第二章 网络词语的表意特点   18-30  
    第一节 网络词语的分类   18-23  
        2.1.1 网络词语体系上的分类   18-19  
        2.1.2 网络词语具体分类   19-23  
    第二节 网络词语的表意特点   23-30  
        2.2.1 网络词语的基本特点   23-27  
        2.2.2 网络词语的语法特点   27-28  
        2.2.3 网络词语的语法变异   28-30  
第三章 网络词语的构词特点   30-35  
    第一节 网络词语主要的构词方式   30-33  
    第二节 网络词语主要的构词特点   33-35  
结论   35-36  
参考文献   36-37  
致谢   37-38  
个人简历   38  
