(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文依据初中先生生长和品格构成的纪律及初中德育课程的特别义务,对传统的德育课程测验评价停止了体系的反思。以为测验评价是纯真的认知性的,单一主体尺度的,静态的,终端性,挑选性,鉴别性的评价。这类评价疏忽了对品格信心和品格行动的存眷,疏忽了先生的自动介入,疏忽了评价措施的多元性,疏忽了品格进修进程与办法的静态性,也疏忽了初中德育课程的增进性功效,使评价偏离了目的。而像册集评价作为一种多主体的,进程性和成长性的质性评价办法,则更有助于德育课程目的的完成。笔者采取试验法、访谈法、问卷查询拜访等办法,对208名初中生停止了像册集评价的试验研究。经由两年多的试验研究,试验注解像册集评价是一种合适初中先生思惟特色的评价办法,像册集评价激起了先生品格进修的须要与情绪,有益于确立新型的教授教养关系,有益于先生品格断定和品格行动评价才能的进步,有益于先生的协作认识和义务认识的构成,有益于先生品格立异精力的造就,有益于主体认识的加强,是本质教导评价措施的无机构成部门,值得看重与推行。 Abstract: Based on the special obligation and character of a junior high school student growth discipline and junior middle school moral education curriculum, stop system to reflect on the traditional moral education curriculum evaluation test. That is the pure cognitive evaluation test, single subject scale, static, terminal, selection, evaluation of the identification. Evaluate it neglect the concern of faith and character character action, to the neglect of the Sir automatic intervention, to the neglect of the evaluation method of pluralism, to the neglect of the character learning process and method of the static, also ignored the moral education curriculum of junior middle school to enhance effectiveness and make evaluation deviates from the goal. The protfolio evaluation as a multi subject, process and growth of the qualitative evaluation methods, it is more helpful to complete the purpose of moral education curriculum. I take the test method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, 208 junior high school students stopped as experimental study on Evaluation of the book set. Through more than two years of research trials, test notes album set evaluation is a junior high school student thought characteristic appraisal method of the, protfolio evaluation aroused Mr. character learning needs and emotions, beneficial to establish new teaching relationship, Mr. character judgment and character actions in order to evaluate the progress of useful, beneficial to Mr. sense of collaboration and obligation awareness, beneficial to Mr. character spirit of innovation creating, useful in the understanding of the main strengthening is essential teaching evaluation method of inorganic component, it is worth value and implementation. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 英文摘要 5 导言 6-9 (一) 初中德育课程评价问题的缘起 6-7 (二) 像册集评价在我国教育评价领域运用的简要历程 7 (三) 初中德育像册集评价的探讨意义和探讨措施 7-9 1、初中德育像册集评价的探讨意义 7-8 2、初中德育像册集评价的探讨措施 8-9 一、对初中德育课程评价措施的反思 9-13 (一) 单纯的德育认知评价,德语论文范文,忽视了对品德信念和品德行为的关注 9-10 (二) 单一主体标准的评价,忽视了学生的主动参与 10 (三) 单纯的量化评价,忽视了评价方式的多元性 10-11 (四) 静态的终端性评价,忽视了品德学习过程与措施的动态性评价 11 (五) 筛选性、甄别性的评价,德语论文范文,忽视了初中德育课程的促进功能 11-13 二、像册集评价实验与操作 13-32 (一) 像册集评价的含义及其特点 13-16 (二) 像册集的组成及其各部分关系 16-17 (三) 像册集评价的实验与操作 17-32 三、像册集评价内容略论与效果评估 32-43 (一) 像册集评价的内容略论 32 (二) 像册集评价的效果评估 32-43 1、激发了学生品德学习的需要与情感 33-35 2、有利于改变师生关系,确立新型的教学关系 35-37 3、有利于学生品德判断和品德行为评价能力的提高 37-38 4、有利于学生的合作意识、责任和道德意识的形成 38-40 5、有利于养成学生自我反省习惯和品质 40 6、有利于学生道德发展过程中主体意识增强 40-41 7、有利于各种德育途径的有机拓展和连接 41-43 四、结论 43-46 附件 46-52 一、问卷调查 46-48 二、主要参考文献 48-52 后记 52 |