(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语论文范文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 改造开放以来,我国的技工造就获得了汗青性造诣,无力地支持了中国经济腾飞技工造就情况逐年改良;技工造就的人数年夜量增长,构造赓续优化;技工造就的机构赓续增加,培训系统赓续完美;技工造就的内容赓续晋升,造就手腕赓续更新。但同时也存在一些成绩技工整体技巧品级偏低;整体文明水平较低,高中及以下文明水平者较多,年夜专及以上文明水平者较少;技工数目缺乏,高等技工尤其紧缺,等等。制约我国技工造就的重要身分是技工造就经费投入方面存在缺乏;社会文明存在鄙薄技工造就的成见;技工岗亭缺少吸引力;技工造就轨制还有待进一步完美。德国技工造就著名于世,为德国造就了年夜批高本质的技巧工人,被称为德国经济突起的“机密兵器”。德国技工造就获得胜利的重要缘由是技工造就经费重要靠当局和公司投入;有着高度看重技工造就的社会文明;并具有较为完整的技工造就轨制。德国技工造就轨制的很多胜利经历都值得我们自创,但我们也要从经济基本和经费投入、社会文明和技工待遇、相干轨制支配等方面详细剖析,不克不及一概照搬。技工是要从我国职业技巧教导体系中造就出来的,摸索先辈的技巧教导形式对技工造就具有主要感化。同时,技工造就,特殊是高等技工的造就,不是一朝一夕就可以培养的,技工造就也要与时俱进,赓续更新常识,停止毕生教导。技工造就作为一个庞杂的体系工程,还与经济社会的很多方面有关,是以,我们也从经济社会的角度对技工造就成绩作了剖析。对我国的技工造就,一是出力进步对技工造就主要感化的熟悉;二是出力从微观上做好技工造就的成长计划和政策指点任务;三是出力加年夜技工造就的经费投入;四是出力构建看重技巧教导的社会文明;五是出力完美技工造就机制。 Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China mechanic makes has achieved the historical accomplishments, unable to support the Chinese economic boom craftsmen created by the modified; mechanic makes the number of large volume growth, structure and ceaseless optimization; created by the technical institutions continuously increase, training system is ceaseless and perfect; created by the technical content of ceaseless promotion, creating wrist continuously updates. But there are also some technical achievements overall technical grade low; the overall low level of civilization, the high school and below the level of civilization of more, less technical college and above the level of civilization; lack of the number of skilled workers, higher technical particularly scarce, and so on. Restriction created by our technical status is mechanic makes funds investment there is a lack of; social civilization created by the scorn mechanic prejudice; technical booth less attractive; mechanic makes rail system remains to be further perfect. German mechanic creating famous in the world, Germany created a large number of high-quality skilled workers, known as the German economic projections of the "secret weapon". German mechanic makes an important reason for the victory is the mechanic makes funds important rely on government and enterprise investment; highly valued craftsmen create social civilization; and has a relatively complete technical train rail system. German mechanic makes rail of a lot of success experiences are worth our own, but we also have to be from the basic economic and financial investment, social civilization and technical treatment, coherent rail of domination of a detailed analysis, cannot Yigai copy. Mechanic is to from our professional skills teaching system created and to explore advanced techniques taught form of technical talents with main effect. At the same time, creating a mechanic, especially higher technical training, not overnight can be cultured and train technicians should advance with the times, continuously updated knowledge, stop a lifelong education. Mechanic created as a complicated system engineering, and many aspects of economic and social, so we can from the point of view of social economy of mechanic creating achievement in the analysis. On China's technical training, one is output progress of mechanic makes an important role familiar; the second is output created by the mechanic growth plans and policies to guide the work well from the micro; three is output and train technicians of the eve of the funding; four is the output value skills taught social civilization construction; five is perfect mechanic output creating mechanism. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 引言 7-8 1 相关文献综述 8-12 1.1 主要概念界定 8 1.2 相关探讨文献简述 8-12 2 我国技工培养近况略论 12-22 2.1 我国技工培养的成就 12-14 2.2 我国技工培养存在的问题 14-18 2.3 制约我国技工培养的几个主要因素略论 18-22 3 德国技工培养的经验与略论 22-32 3.1 德国技工培养的基本情况 22-25 3.2 德国技工培养高度发达的原因简析 25-29 3.3 德国“双元制”技工培养制度在我国的适应性略论 29-32 4 对我国技工培养的理论思考和若干对策建议 32-44 4.1 我国技工培养的理论略论 32-38 4.2 对改善我国技工培养的若干设想 38-44 结论 44-45 参考文献 45-48 后记 48-50 在学期间公开论文及作品情况 50 |