(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 《中共中心国务院对于深化教导改造周全推动本质教导的决议》中指出“要进一步改良德育任务的措施办法,寓德育任务于各学科教授教养当中,增强黉舍德育与先生生涯和社会理论的接洽,讲求现实后果,战胜情势主义的偏向。”是以要充足发掘各学科的德育内在,让德育融入各个学科当中。体育活动是德育教导的最好载体,是先生亲自感触感染德育教导的最好平台。然则历久以来,体育教员过量地看重体育根本技巧的练习和身材本质的进步,疏忽了对先生停止德育教导。一些先生对体育的内在也没有充足熟悉,以为体育运动只是强体健身罢了,却不知体育是一个能将聪明、体质、意志和精力融为一体的综合教导。是以,在体育教授教养中增强德育教导具有很强的实际意义。本文对湖北省高校体育教授教养中德育教导现状停止查询拜访,发明以后体育教授教养中的德育教导存在着以下成绩(1)体育教员对先生停止德育教导的认识不敷(2)德育办法比拟简略,以说教为主,疏忽了先生的主体性(3)黉舍看重水平不敷,德育评价系统不完美。针对这些成绩,提出了在体育教授教养中增强德育教导的对策(1)强化体育教员育人不雅念,充足施展体育教员脚色本能机能(2)尊敬先生主体位置,充足施展体育教授教养德育优势(3)优化德育办法,确保德育实效(4)健全德育评价系统。本文研究目标在于充足施展体育教授教养中的德育教导功效,激起先生体育进修的积极性和自动性,使先生可以或许在体育课中亲自感触感染德育教导,真正领会到体育教导在现实生涯中的须要,使他们加倍看重介入体育锤炼,从而增进身心协调及德、智、体周全成长。 Abstract: The Central Committee of Communist Party of China State Council on deepening education reform comprehensively advancing nature teaches the resolution "that" will make further improvement on the task of moral education method, combine moral education task in the discipline teaching, enhance school happen moral education and Mr. career and social theory of contact, speak for the real consequences, overcome formalism bias. " It is in order to fully explore the inner moral education of various disciplines, so that moral education into all disciplines. Physical activity is the best carrier of moral education, and it is the best platform for mr.. However, long-term since, sports teacher excessive value fundamental skills of sports exercises and physical essence of progress, neglect to students' moral education. Some students are not familiar with the inherent physical, that sports is only strong body fitness, but I do not know sports is a smart, physical, will and energy into a comprehensive teaching. It is to strengthen moral education in the teaching of physical education, which has a strong practical significance. The Hubei Province Colleges and universities sports teaching in moral education teaching present situation investigation, after the invention of the moral education in sports teaching teaching has following results (1) the sports teacher of Mr. stop education of awareness is not enough (2) moral approaches compared briefly, said Mr. to teach, to the neglect of the subjectivity (3) schools value level is not enough, moral evaluation system is not perfect. To solve these problems proposed in sports teaching in the enhancement education countermeasures (1) strengthening sports teachers educational concept, cast sufficient physical education instructor role performance (2) respect Mr. subject position, cast sufficient sports teaching moral superiority (3) optimization way of moral education, to ensure the effectiveness of Moral Education (4) sound moral education evaluation system. The goal of this research is cast sufficient sports teaching moral education effect, arouse the student sports study enthusiasm and initiative, to enable students to perhaps in PE personally feeling infection education, truly understand the physical education needs in the real life, enable them to double the value of intervention of physical exercise, so as to promote the harmony of body and mind and virtue, wisdom, body develops in the round. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 1 前言 9-15 1.1 选题依据 9-10 1.2 探讨意义 10-11 1.3 文献综述 11-15 1.3.1 国内对体育教学中德育教育的探讨近况 11-13 1.3.2 国外对体育教学中德育教育的探讨近况 13-15 2 探讨对象与措施 15-17 2.1 探讨对象 15 2.2 探讨措施 15-17 2.2.1 文献资料法 15 2.2.2 问卷调查法 15-16 2.2.3 数理统计法 16 2.2.4 专家访谈法 16-17 3 探讨结果与略论 17-32 3.1 体育教学中德育教育的特点、优越性和内容 17-19 3.1.1 体育教学中德育教育的特点 17-18 3.1.2 体育教学中德育教育的优越性 18 3.1.3 体育教学中德育教育的内容 18-19 3.2 湖北省高校体育教学中德育教育近况略论 19-25 3.2.1 体育教师对学生进行德育教育的意识 19-20 3.2.2 体育教师在教学中实施德育教育情况 20-22 3.2.3 体育教师对学生体育学习评价内容 22 3.2.4 目前各高校对体育教学中实施德育教育重视程度 22-23 3.2.5 大学生对体育与德育关系的认识程度 23 3.2.6 大学生上体育课的最大感受 23-24 3.2.7 对大学生德育作用较大的途径 24 3.2.8 大学生对目前体育课德育效果的满意程度及看法 24-25 3.3 目前湖北省高校体育教学中德育教育存在的主要问题及原因剖析 25-26 3.3.1 体育教师对学生进行德育教育的意识不够 25-26 3.3.2 德育措施比较简单,以说教为主,忽视了学生的主体性 26 3.3.3 学校重视程度不够,德育评价体系不完善 26 3.4 在体育教学中加强德育教育的对策探讨 26-32 3.4.1 强化体育教师育人观念,充分发挥体育教师角色职能. 26-27 3.4.2 尊重学生主体地位,德语论文,充分发挥体育教学德育优势 27-28 3.4.3 优化德育措施,确保德育实效 28-30 3.4.4 健全德育评价体系 30-32 4 结论与建议 32-33 4.1 结论 32 4.2 建议 32-33 致谢 33-34 参考文献 34-36 附件1 36-37 附件2 37-38 附件3 38 |