
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Historical perception is its essence, it is in the history of the process of the generation of human sensibility. It is in the sense of history that the understanding of the need for people from their own understanding of the stop. Because in the different historical period, the level of human's own growth is different, the level of human self-awareness consciousness differences, so it will constitute the history of perceptual differences to understand. Real sense and the essence of human contact, from the people to start to explain the history of sensibility, is the beginning of the German classical philosophy. Kant took the essence of philosophy back to self understanding, and affirmed the existence of human beings, and from the human himself to explain the history of mankind, the history will know for a perceptual process. But because the nature of the dualism of Kant's philosophy, it said "natural history of emotional target". Fichte criticizes the dualism of Kant's philosophy, philosophy of imparting a relative of the principle of self - knowledge, and thus will perceptual interpretation of history as a self growth of the cosmic blueprint. Fichte's understanding of self is not a concept, so there is no over objectivity on the. However Fichte began from Kant to Hegel's turn, the history of perceptual eventually turned to themselves, although has not yet reached the subject and object or self and nonself complete, true of the same. As long as Hegel is finished the similar, the historical sensibility understand emotion and pride of the same, and in order to explain the perceptual process of human history. Only Hagel to understand the emotional as the energy, the concept, and therefore can not explain the actual, detailed historical process. But Hagel's philosophy has laid the foundation for a genuine understanding of the generative nature of history.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-4  
导言:何为历史理性   4-28  
    一、理性、历史与人   4-7  
    二、理性的多义性   7-17  
    三、近代理性的齐一   17-21  
    四、生成中的历史理性   21-28  
1理性的复兴   28-41  
2历史理性的萌生   41-57  
    2.1维柯对笛卡尔主义的批判   41-46  
    2.2维柯理解的历史理性   46-53  
    2.3启蒙时代历史哲学的非历史性   53-57  
3重新回到起点的康德   57-79  
    3.1启蒙主义与浪漫主义之间   57-62  
    3.2重新回到起点   62-69  
    3.3康德哲学中的历史理性   69-79  
4康德哲学的过盛者--费希特   79-91  
    4.1费希特对康德哲学的批判   79-83  
    4.2知识学与历史哲学   83-87  
    4.3历史的理性进程   87-91  
5黑格尔:理性与激情的统一   91-107  
    5.1黑格尔对历史的理解   91-94  
    5.2历史中的理性与激情   94-97  
    5.3历史理性的逻辑进程   97-102  
    5.4一个简要的略论   102-107  
附录:从生成的概念看自然史与人类史的统一   107-115  
参考文献   115-117  
致 谢   117-118  
生期间的学术论文、专著   118-119  
后期间的学术论文、专著   119  
