
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Even though these cases are rarely valued at present and are completely neglected, they are able to help identify and eventually overcome the obstacles that are in their way. The first department visit results in the existing literature and research specific query basically focuses on foreign direct investment in China and facing hard, in order to find out the cause of foreign capital into China market results. This paper introduces the history and structure of foreign direct investment in China, and the main factors that attract foreign direct investment in China. The Department also outlines the impact of foreign direct investment on China's economy and the rare achievements of the Foreign capital company. In addition, India as a foreign direct investment in the category of competitors, and China has stopped comparison. The second part focuses on the characteristics of foreign direct investment in China, and the main characteristics of the Chinese market, and the scope and scale of the German company to explain the foreign direct investment in China. The third sector covers the German company in the process of investment in the process of meeting the results of the research. And with the help of two cases of German companies to join the Chinese market in the near future to discuss the difficulties faced by German companies. Case study is a suitable situation, the reason is as long as the number of companies willing to intervene in such a study, so it can not be applied quantitative data, and through a case study, can provide a profound message. The conclusion is that foreign investors need to make full preparations before entering the Chinese market and to consider their own trade forms. In order to take effect as the focus of German investment enterprises in China will have to change their own to achieve and adhere to the victory.


Abstract   5   摘要   6-7   Table of Contents   7-9   List of Abbreviations   9-10   1 Introduction   10-12   2 Foreign Direct Investment   12-43       2.1 Types and Objectives of FDI   13-15           2.1.1 Horizontal and Vertical FDI   13-14           2.1.2 Objectives of FDI   14-15       2.2 FDI in China   15-37           2.2.1 History of FDI in China   15-17           2.2.2 Sources of FDI   17-19           2.2.3 Structure of China's FDI   19-21           2.2.4 Factors attracting FDI into China   21-25           2.2.5 Comparison with India   25-28           2.2.6 Legal Forms   28-34           2.2.7 FDI's Effect on the Chinese Economy   34-37       2.3 Common Problems of FIEs in China   37-43           2.3.1 Intellectual Property Rights and Enforcement   37-38           2.3.2 Bureaucratic Hurdles and Discrimination   38           2.3.3 Human Resources   38-39           2.3.4 Increasing Competition for Market Share   39-40           2.3.5 Information problems   40           2.3.6 Reasons for Failure   40-41           2.3.7 Comparison with India   41-43   3 German FDI in China   43-53       3.1 Significance of the Chinese Market for German companies   44-45       3.2 Opportunities for German Companies in China   45-46       3.3 History and Development   46-47       3.4 Scale, Scope and Geographic Distribution   47-48       3.5 Legal Forms   48-50       3.6 Industries   50       3.7 Value Chain Management   50-51       3.8 Developments and Business Perspectives in China   51-53   4 Problems Encountered by German Companies in China   53-83       4.1 Review of Literature and Prior Surveys   53-56           4.1.1 Problems Leading to Failure/Backshoring   54-56       4.2 Overview of Recent Withdrawals from China   56-60       4.3 Case Studies:Notes   60       4.4 Case Studies:Obi(欧倍德)   60-75           4.4.1 Introduction   60-61           4.4.2 Narrative   61-69           4.4.3 Analysis   69-75       4.5 Company B   75-83           4.5.1 Narrative   75-80           4.5.2 Analysis   80-83   5 Advice   83-87   6 Conclusion   87-88   7 References   88-103   8 Appendix   103-109       8.1 List of Charts   103       8.2 List of Maps   103-104       8.3 List of Tables   104       8.4 List of Images   104-105       8.5 Charts   105-108       8.6 Maps   108-109   Acknowledgements   109-110   卷内备考表   110  
