
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

Acknowledgements   6-7   摘要   7-8   Abstract   8   Chapter One INTRODUCTION   10-12   Chapter Two REVIEW ON TRANSLATION THEORIES   12-14   Chapter Tree STEPS OF THE TRANSLATION RPOCESS   14-20       3.1 Interpretation of the TT skopos   14-15       3.2 ST Analysis   15-20           3.2.1 Participants in the translating process   15-17           3.2.2 Features of an Agreement   17-20   Chapter Four ANALYSIS OF PRACTICES BASED ON FUNCTIONALISM   20-26       4.1 Word Translating   20-22           4.1.1 Unity of translation   20-21           4.1.2 Synonym addition   21-22           4.1.3 Model verb   22       4.2 Sentence Translating   22-26           4.2.1 Coherence   22-23           4.2.2 Expression style   23-24           4.2.3 English-Chinese presentation transfer   24-26   Chapter Five CONCLUSIONS   26-27   References   27-28   Appendix 1   28-66   Appendix 2   66-91  
