
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Wartime economic warfare, as a major and unique combat situation. In the 20th century, two world wars was British sufficient value and be successful applications. This paper is intended to be an early World War II (1939. 9 a 1940. 6) British economic war against German background, process, an important way and try to stop combing, in profound examination of Swedish iron ore and Romanian oil results basically, summing up the consequences and make the evaluation of the response. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the history of the World War II, Germany, the history of the war with the king, the actual background and the late preparation. The second chapter is an important assessment of the British in the early stage of World War II on the implementation of the economic war in Germany, the process, methods and their direct efforts. The establishment of the Department of economic operation, the marked embargo list released officially start for the German economy war britain. To weaken or damage the German wartime economy "blood", the British used all kinds of measures, including maritime interdiction and Bray, "blacklist" and export permit certificate system, and of the neutral nations signed a commercial agreement in wartime, preemption policy, supply bundle. In addition, in order to obtain the Spanish, Italy, the Soviet Union to make economic war more useful, the British made all kinds of efforts. The third chapter deeply examines the early World War II in Britain on the German economy in the Swedish iron ore and Romania oil results. Iron ore and oil is the most important strategic material in early World War II Germany, in Britain, Germany's economic war efforts, the Swedish iron ore and Romania oil has an extremely important position. The fourth chapter review the debate in Britain in the early days of World War II economic war against Germany the attainments and there lack, from the review of the economic war criterion reminded the fall and the origin of, determine the positive significance of the strategy. Anyway, British in the early days of World War II of Germany's economic warfare is certainly sufficient preparation, implementation of weakness, and achieved certain attainments, Eph into neglect of positive significance, but because before the war, the British authorities by war doctrine ideological trend influence and negative prepare, Chamberlain positive appeasement, followed early battle of the British military rout successively and results of economic warfare soon will drown in the battlefield off of the tide.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   前言   7-11       一、经济战的定义及本文论述范围   7-8       二、探讨综述   8-11   第一章 二战初期英国对德国经济战的背景   11-21       一、历史背景   11-15       二、现实背景   15-19           (一) 经济背景   15-18           (二) 军事背景   18-19       三、战前准备   19-21   第二章 二战初期英国对德国经济战的开始与实施   21-38       第一节 经济作战部的成立及经济战的开始   21-23           一、经济作战部的成立   21-22           二、经济战的开始   22-23       第二节 二战初期英国对德国经济战的主要方法   23-33           一、海军拦截与布雷   24           二、“黑名单”与出口许可证制度   24-26           三、签订战时贸易协定   26-28           四、先买权政策   28-31           五、货源管制   31-33       第三节 二战初期英国对德国经济战的间接努力   33-38           一、对西班牙的努力   33-34           二、对意大利的努力   34-36           三、对苏联的努力   36-38   第三章 二战初期英国对德国经济战的个案探讨:铁矿砂与石油问题   38-46       一、瑞典铁矿砂问题   38-42       二、罗马尼亚石油问题   42-46   第四章 效果与评价   46-52       一、二战初期英国对德国经济战的效果   46-48       二、二战初期英国对德国经济战的评价   48-52   主要参考文献   52-55   附图一: 1939-1942年德国、意大利在欧洲的扩张   55-56   附图二: 1940年4月-6月的瑞典、挪威   56-57   后记   57  
