
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Control the degree of resistance, resistance mechanism is useful to understand the management of Blattella germanica resistance performance conditions. The use of bioassays, biochemistry and molecular biology method, of Blattella germanica resistance, resistance detection method, acetylcholinesterase, glutathione transferase, carboxylesterase, cytochrome P450 activity and spectral characteristics, cytochrome P450 gene stopped system research, aimed at from the group, individual and gene three degree remind the mechanism of resistance of Blattella germanica, for Blattella germanica resistance management provide a theoretical basis. Application of membrane method was established for the determination of Beijing four field strains of Cypermethrin, deltamethrin, permethrin and DDVP resistant degree. Results annotations, 4 field strains were of 4 kinds of pesticides occurred different level of resistance, medium, compared with the susceptible strain, H strain of permethrin and DDVP resistance coefficient separate 5. 38 times and 6. 97 times (KT), but with the drop method, the resistance coefficient is 22. 17, 64. 32 and 27. 03 times (LD). Compared with the membrane separation method, resistance coefficient of drip method in two permethrin and deltamethrin and cypermethrin to above 3. 20 times, 4. 64 times and 4. 83 times. Note drop method can accurately detect the degree of resistance of Blattella germanica, is an ideal way to detect resistance. Collected from different district of Beijing 9 kinds of Blattella germanica field strains of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione transfer (GSTs) enzyme activity determination results note: divergence field strains of ache and GSTs activity difference. There are 4 strains can make AchE and GSTs activity progress, in which the KFQ product line and the sensitivity of the Department of comparison, AChE activity of the progress of the 1. 57 times, BYS product line to make the GSTs activity improved 2. 33 times; there are 3 lines can make AChE activity progress, and make the GSTs activity decreased; there are 1 kinds of products to reduce the AChE and GSTs activity.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-4  
英文文摘   4-6  
第一章文献综述   6-70  
    1德国小蠊的抗性历史和水平   6-18  
        1.1德国小蠊对有机氯类杀虫剂的抗性   7-8  
        1.2德国小蠊对有机磷类杀虫剂的抗性   8-9  
        1.3德国小蠊对氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂的抗性   9-9  
        1.4德国小蠊对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性   9-11  
        1.5德国小蠊对其它杀虫剂的抗性   11-12  
        1.6德国小蠊抗性水平的作用因素   12-13  
        参考文献   13-18  
    2德国小蠊抗药性机制探讨进展   18-28  
        2.1行为抗性   18-19  
        2.2表皮穿透影响降低   19-19  
        2.3靶标敏感度降低   19-21  
        2.4代谢抗性   21-23  
        参考文献   23-28  
    3昆虫细胞色素P450及其在德国小蠊抗性中的影响   28-53  
        3.1细胞色素P450基本特征及其分类命名   29-30  
        3.2细胞色素P450的进化与多样性   30-33  
        3.3昆虫细胞色素P450基因探讨现状   33-35  
        3.4昆虫P450分离纯化技术与措施   35-38  
        3.5 P450酶系介导的抗性机制探讨进展   38-41  
        3.6德国小蠊细胞色素P450探讨进展   41-43  
        参考文献   43-53  
    4德国小蠊防治技术及抗性治理对策探讨进展   53-68  
        4.1德国小蠊防治技术的探讨与运用   53-60  
        4.2德国小蠊抗性治理对策   60-62  
        参考文献   62-68  
    5选题依据与探讨的目的意义   68-70  
        5.1选题依据   68-69  
        5.2探讨目的   69-69  
        5.3探讨意义   69-70  
第二章德国小蠊抗药性及其检测措施比较   70-78  
    1材料与措施   70-72  
        1.1试虫来源   70-71  
        1.2供试药剂   71-71  
        1.3药膜法   71-71  
        1.4点滴法   71-72  
    2结果与略论   72-75  
        2.1北京不同地区德国小蠊对常用杀虫剂抗性测定   72-74  
        2.2两种德国小蠊抗药性检测措施比较   74-75  
    3讨论   75-76  
    参考文献   76-78  
第三章德国小蠊抗感品系羧酸酯酶生化特征比较探讨   78-90  
    1材料与措施   79-80  
        1.1试虫来源   79-79  
        1.2供试试剂   79-79  
        1.3羧酸酯酶活性测定   79-79  
        1.4蛋白质含量测定   79-80  
    2结果与分折   80-87  
        2.1德国小蠊羧酸酯酶对不同底物时间进程曲线比较   80-81  
        2.2德国小蠊抗感品系羧酸酯酶时间进程曲线比较   81-84  
        2.3德国小蠊羧酸酯酶不同底物浓度对羧酸酯酶活性的作用   84-85  
        2.4德国小蠊抗感品系羧酸酯酶底物浓度进程曲线比较   85-86  
        2.5德国小蠊抗感品系羧酸酯酶对底物亲和力比较   86-86  
        2.6北京不同地区德国小蠊羧酸酯酶活性比较   86-87  
    3讨论   87-88  
    参考文献   88-90  
第四章德国小蠊乙酰胆碱醅酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶生化特征探讨   90-99  
    1材料与措施   91-92  
        1.1试虫来源   91-91  
        1.2供试试剂及仪器   91-91  
        1.3 AChE活性测定   91-92  
        1.4 GSTs活性测定   92-92  
        1.5蛋白质含量测定   92-92  
    2结果与略论   92-96  
        2.1北京不同地区德国小蠊野外品系AChE活性比较   92-93  
        2.2北京不同地区德国小蠊野外品系GSTs活性比较   93-94  
        2.3北京不同地区德国小蠊野外品系AChE和GSTs活性比较   94-96  
    3讨论   96-97  
    参考文献   97-99  
第五章德国小蠊细胞色素P450光谱及生化特征探讨   99-113  
    1材料与措施   100-101  
        1.1试虫来源   100-100  
        1.2化学试剂及药剂   100-100  
        1.3 CytP450酶液的制备   100-100  
        1.4 CytP450含量的测定   100-101  
    2结果与略论   101-110  
        2.1北京不同地区德国小蠊野外品系Cyt P450含量比较   101-102  
        2.2德国小蠊CytP450光谱特征比较   102-110  
    3讨论   110-111  
    参考文献   111-113  
第六章德国小蠊细胞色素P450基因克隆与序列略论   113-130  
    1 材料   114-116  
        1.1昆虫   114-114  
        1.2酶及主要的试剂   114-114  
        1.3工具酶及试剂盒   114-114  
        1.4载体和受体菌   114-114  
        1.5 PCR引物   114-115  
        1.6试剂配制   115-116  
        1.7主要仪器   116-116  
    2措施   116-121  
        2.1 Total RNA提取   116-116  
        2.2 cDNA合成   116-117  
        2.3 PCR反应   117-118  
        2.4 PCR产物中目的片段的回收   118-118  
        2.5 T-A互补法克隆目的片段   118-119  
        2.6感受态细胞的制备及质粒的转化   119-120  
        2.7质粒小抽   120-120  
        2.8酶切鉴定   120-121  
    3结果与略论   121-126  
        3.1 PCR扩增结果   121-121  
        3.2基因克隆及筛选鉴定   121-122  
        3.3序列略论   122-126  
    4讨论   126-128  
    参考文献   128-130  
第七章结论与展望   130-132  
致谢   132  
