(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)作为一种世界性的主要病媒虫豸,自20世纪90年月以来对我国的损害水平日益严重。今朝,化学防制是掌握德国小蠊等病媒虫豸种群数目的重要手腕,拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂作为新一代的杀虫剂,自20世纪80年月被普遍应用于农业、林业及病媒虫豸防制中。但已有多种虫豸对此类杀虫剂发生了抗药性,虫豸抗药性已成为制约很多病媒虫豸化学防制的症结身分。德国小蠊等蜚蠊类的化学防制及其相干研究最近几年来备受存眷。实时、精确地肯定虫豸抗药性的产生、成长及抗性程度对制订公道的化学防制战略相当主要,对杀虫剂毒性机理的研究和疾速精确的抗药性检测办法又是此项任务的基本。本文以德国小蠊敏感品系为试验植物,德语论文范文,参照国标GB 13917。1一一一13917。8一92《农药挂号卫生杀虫剂室内药效实验办法》并略加改良,起首肯定了试验前提下高效氯氰菊酯对于德国小蠊敏感品系的半致逝世浓度,并经由过程重复试验肯定了最高致逝世率不跨越30%的高效氯氰菊酯五种亚致逝世浓度的药物溶液。不雅察了分歧浓度的药物溶液对于德国小蠊敏感品系的行动作用和致逝世感化。试验成果显示,高效氯氰菊酯能严重作用德国小蠊正常的活动战争衡才能,并对德国小蠊敏感品系具有较强的致逝世感化,且出现浓度一效应关系试验室内测定了德国小蠊敏感品系在施用五种亚致逝世浓度的高效氯氰菊酯24小时、48小时、72小时、96小时、120小时、144小不时,乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、Na一K一ATPase、Ca一ATPase、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)活性的时序变更,进一步摸索高效氯氰菊酯的感化机制及其与德国小蠊体内分歧酶活性间的量效与时效关系。试验成果显示,德语论文网站,德国小蠊体内的这6中酶均为高效氯氰菊酯的主要靶标,对AChE、Na一K一ATPase、Ca一ATPase表示为明显的克制效应并具有具有必定的浓度一效应和时光一效应关系;对于SOD、GPX表示为明显的引诱效应,在必定水平上,药物的引诱感化与高效氯氰菊酯的浓度出现正相干关系,分歧浓度下的引诱感化在时光效应上存在差别。分歧浓度的高效氯氰菊酯惹起德国小蠊体内分歧酶活性的时序变更提醒,在运用拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的进程 Abstract: Blattella germanica) as a kind of world main vector insects, since the 20th century, 90 years the level of damage of our country is becoming more and more serious. Current, chemical control is master of Blattella germanica and vector insects population number of important means, quasi pyrethrins insecticides as a new generation of insecticides, since the 20th century, 80 years is widely used in agriculture, forestry and disease vector insects control. But, there are many kinds of insects to these insecticides in the resistance, insect resistance has become the crux of the many disease vector insect chemical control identity constraints. Chemical prevention and control of the German cockroach cockroach class and its relevant research in recent years of concern. Real time and accurately affirmation of insects resistant to the birth, growth and the degree of resistance to formulate reasonable chemical control strategy is quite important, on the mechanism of the toxicity of pesticide research and rapid precise resistance detection method is the task of the basic. In this paper, Blattella germanica susceptible strains as test plants, according to the national standard GB 13917. One one one 13917 1. 8 a 92 "pesticide registration of hygienic insecticides laboratory efficacy test methods" and slightly modified chapeau affirmed the experimental conditions under cypermethrin on Blattella germanica susceptible strain semi induced death of concentration, and through the process of repeated trials affirmed the highest induced death rate does not exceed 30% of high effect cypermethrin five sub induced death concentration of drug solution. Watching the action of drug solution concentration differences on Blattella germanica susceptible strains and influence caused by death of probation. The test results showed that cypermethrin can seriously affect the normal activities of Blattella germanica to balance the war, and has a strong effect on the death caused by the German cockroach sensitive strains, and appear in the application of five subtypes of death caused by the concentration of Blattella germanica susceptible strains were determined concentration effect tests of Cypermethrin permethrin 24 hours and 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, 120 hours, 144 hours from time to time, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), superoxide dismutase (SOD), Na K ATPase, Ca ATPase, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity of the timing change, further explore mechanism of action of beta cypermethrin and the activity of German cockroach differences between dose effect and time effect relationship. Test results show that the Blattella germanica in the six enzymes are the main targets of beta Cypermethrin, grateful to ache, Na K ATPase and Ca ATPase is obvious restraint effect and has a certain concentration effect and time effect relationship; on SOD, GPX is obviously attractive effect, to a certain level, drug revulsive action and beta cypermethrin concentrations appeared positive correlation relationship, with different concentration of the attractant effect on the effects of time difference. Different concentrations of Cypermethrin cause of Blattella germanica in branching enzyme activity of the timing change reminder, in the application of quasi process of pyrethroid insecticides 目录: |