
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



A hundred years ago the west law of civil law, China chose the German branch and a way to grow up. In 1949 the Chinese people's Republic of China, the two sides were beginning to form the situation, the law also split, this growth is also a way to be truncated, but in reality, legal methods, legal words of these judicial constitute the cell has been fixed in a century ago, and in the new era of cross-strait peace and easy approach to the growth of the new impact. The introduction of the property law of the people's Republic of China in 2017, marks the completion of an important part of the civil code legislation. In the same year, China Taiwan area plain near the law of real right series of real right of pledge to modify three reading by the process, in 2017, public and all in two chapters also be revised, the content of the folk law get further perfect. On both sides of the Taiwan Straits and to develop and correction of real right law, makes the two analogy has major significance, through this kind of analogy can clearly not Yacha to hundreds of years ago following by German civil law theory in on both sides of the growth state, also through the process of comparison between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits in legislation in view de law position also can see the German law at the new period of civil law effect. The full text is divided into four sections: introduction, comment, conclusion and reference. The introduction section discusses the reason for choosing the topic, and briefly reviews the research status of the two sides of the topic. At the same time, the second half of the introduction is clear about the point of entry and the form of the thesis. Annotation is divided into four chapters: Chapter One introduces the property law in Taiwan predecessor -- "the plain near the civil law real right arranges occurrence background and adoption of German law to following the subject of reason and through the process on the structure and content analysis, it is concluded that in the public law and the civil law of German civil law after only to justice, and justice form copy, that is justice by the following aspects. The second chapter introduces the new development of the Taiwan region property law, that is, the two amendment of the Taiwan property right in 2017 and 2017. And through the process of real action, the legal principle of property, the maximum amount of code system and other practical achievements of the discussion, to remind the two characteristics of the Taiwan property Amendment: Theory and practice following the opening of the level of development and internationalization of the field of view. The third chapter introduces the process of the real right law of the people's Republic of China, and through the analysis of the content and structure of the real right law, it is concluded that it is still affected by the law of Germany. Origin of the reason on the one hand to the continuity of history, on the other hand is public law in the growth of new phase of the German law of automatically generated and, but also pointed out that de law in today is China's own one of the objects, and the real right law of the people's Republic of China has a bright oneself of Chinese characteristics. In the fourth chapter, first of all, it is pointed out that there are still many differences between the two sides in the property law of the two sides of the Strait, but at the same time, the exchange between the two sides in the new era is not blocked. In this process, the influence of Sino German public law is not an oversight, on the one hand it is the actual property law on both sides of the basic, on the other hand, the two sides of the actual reflection and choice of public law, but also to provide a platform for the exchange of scholars on the theory level. First is the conclusion section of this article: de law to modern civil law still has a major influence, but followed on both sides of the judicial succession (own), theory following by (own) and practice following (own) growth, in the legislation is getting more and more emotional, perhaps in the future de law volume in Chinese law will fade, German law, however, the German theory once deeply rooted in China's legal.

