
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

乡村休息力活动是工业化过程中的广泛景象。今朝我国正处于工业化疾速成长时代,在这一时代构成了一个特别的社会群体,也就是被称为“农人工”的我国古代化扶植的一支新型休息力年夜军。今朝我国农人工面对的成绩非常严格,如活动欠亨畅,后代上学、培训失业难,生涯栖身前提差,工资低,休息强度年夜、任务前提差,社会保证不到位、职业病和工伤变乱多等。农人工成绩的处理不只与“三农”成绩有关,与城市化有关,也与中国阶级构造的变更有关,农人工已成为中国重生的工人阶层,处理农人工成绩的政策,是一项主要的经济、社会与政治根本决议计划,是制约和中国现代古代化过程的严重政治现实。 参考之资,可以攻玉。今朝的德国事高度工业化、城市化的国度,是曾经阅历了乡村休息力活动的国度,他们的胜利举动值得我们商量自创。在德国工业化早期,乡村休息力活动受轨制限制,在城市生齿急剧增长后,则涌现诸如城市住房紧缺、情况卫生前提差、儿童退学艰苦、休息技巧断层、掉业率上升、贫苦增长等一系列成绩。这些成绩的发生,危及到社会的稳固和统治阶层的好处,德国的当局、学者阶级、神职人员、公司主等各阶层都采用了响应办法,去减缓工业化进程中因为生齿活动而带来的各类社会成绩和抵触。本文旨在经由过程剖析研究德国工业化时代有关乡村休息力活动的各项社会政策,为我国农人工成绩的处理供给无益的启发和自创。本文共分为六个部门。 第一部门即导论部门:交卸了本文的研究缘起和选题意义,对国际外研究文献停止梳理,解释了本文的研究思绪和办法,指出了本文的研究难点和立异点。 第二部门:界定与本文有关的概念和实际,如德国“工业化”的涵义及起止时光,德语论文范文,有关乡村休息力活动的相干实际,政策体系的涵义等,为后文的研究做好基本。 第三部门:剖析德国工业化过程中乡村休息力活动的配景、特色和感化,以便对其有周全、进一步的熟悉。 第四部门:剖析了德国工业化过程中乡村休息力活动进程中涌现的成绩及响应处理政策,如活动限制成绩及其政策、教导成绩及其政策、住房紧缺成绩及其政策,公共卫生成绩及其政策,掉业、贫苦等成绩及其政策。 第五部门:剖析了德国工业化时代的社会阶层构造与各阶级在这些社会政策构成进程中所起的感化,和这些社会政策构成和存在的政治、经济、思惟文明情况,同时也对这些社会政策的特色停止了扼要剖析。 第六部门:剖析了我国农人工面对的凸起成绩,从德国获得的处理这些成绩启发。


Rural rest activity is a widespread phenomenon in the process of industrialization. At present our country is in the rapid development of industrialization era, in this era is a special social group, which is called "agricultural labor" in ancient China to build a new type of resting force of the eve of the army. The current our country agricultural artificial face grades are very strict, such as activity owe Heng Chang, offspring school, training, employment, career living condition is poor, low wages, break strength, task condition is poor, the social security is not in place, occupational diseases and accidents more. Artificial agricultural achievement is not just about with the achievement of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", related to urbanization, related to changes in the class structure in China, migrant workers has become reborn in China's working class, treatment results of artificial agricultural policy is a major economic, social and political fundamental decision, control and modern Chinese ancient process of serious political reality. The reference information, jade. At present, Germany is a highly industrialized and urbanized country. It is a country that has experienced the country's country. Their success is worth our consulting. In Germany in the early stage of industrialization, rural labor force activities restricted rail system, after the rapid growth of urban population, the emergence of such as poor urban housing shortage, sanitation, children drop out hard, rest skill fault, drop rate rise, poor growth and a series of achievements. The occurrence of these achievements, endangering the benefits of social stability and the ruling class, all sectors of the German authorities, the scholar class, members of the clergy, enterprises have adopted the response measures, to slow in the process of industrialization because the population activity caused by all kinds of social problems and conflicts. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and study the social policies of the rural rest in the era of industrialization in Germany, to provide useful inspiration and reference for the treatment of agricultural labor achievements. This paper is divided into six departments. The first part is the introduction part: relinquished the research origin and significance of the topic, to the domestic and international research literature carding, explain the the research ideas and methods, pointed out the research difficulties and innovation. The second part: the definition of the related concepts and theories, such as the German "industrialization" of the meaning and the starting and ending time, about rural labor force activity related to the theory, the meaning of the policy system, for the research. The third sector: the analysis of the characteristics and effects of the rural labor force activities in the process of industrialization in Germany in order to have a comprehensive and further understanding of the process. The fourth part: analysis of the process of industrialization in Germany rural labor emerging in the process of performance and processing the policy response, such as activity limitation scores and policy, teaching results and policy, housing shortage of performance and policy and public health problem and its policy, fell industry, poor performance and policy. Part five: analysis of German industrialization era, social stratum structure and the class in these social policy in the process of action, and the social policy form and in the presence of political, economic and ideological civilization situation, also the characteristics of these social policy stopped a brief analysis. The sixth sector: the analysis of the problems faced by the Chinese farmers raised, from Germany to deal with these achievements inspired.

