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생활체육광장지도자의 지도행동유형에 따른 수업만족도 및 지속참여의도에 미치는 영향 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

ABSTRACT (An)effect of leadership types of the Square Leaders of Sports-for-All on class satisfaction and sustained participation intention Kim Deok-hee Advisor : Prof. Lm Ji-hyeong Ph.D. Major in Dance Education Graduate School of Education, Cho...

ABSTRACT (An)effect of leadership types of the Square Leaders of Sports-for-All on class satisfaction and sustained participation intention Kim Deok-hee Advisor : Prof. Lm Ji-hyeong Ph.D. Major in Dance Education Graduate School of Education, Chosun University Recently, the central government and local governments have derived people’s leisure time in a healthy athletic lifestyle. Also promote the low-income and people, enabling health promotion and expansion of the sport for locals to enable the participation of sport for older people, from teenagers to retirees, including. This is creating harmony residents induction and healthy cultural environment. But life sports participants awareness of the life and athletic performance such as the participants themselves are important, but the will of the participants' performance and satisfaction is bound to be differences depending on the type of leader’s acting. In other words, the instructor’s behavior affects the satisfaction of psychological status and class sport for participants, and the instructor may be the most important factor for sport for the participants because exert a significant influence on the duration or abandonment of the sport for participation. Therefore, the present study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of class satisfaction and continued participation of the instructor’s behavioral styles of living Sports, aimed at Seogu District of Gwangju Metropolitan City, and to suggest the policy measures to enable the efficient operation of the leisure sports programs. This was to provide basic data for the active participation and physical, mental and social health and improve the quality of life of local residents living in the leisure sports programs. In order to carry out the purposes of this study, this study is specific to the participants of the leisure sports programs and analyzed by conducting a survey in Gwangju in the Seogu District of Gwangju Metropolitan City. The results are as follows. First, it did not appear significantly different from the difference between instructor’s behaviors of the demographic characteristics of the subjects analyzed age, occupation, average time to exercise, etc. The results of the type of instructor’s behaviors are as follows; the first, training order behavior showed a significant difference in gender, the second, education showed a significant difference in democratic behavior and participation rate, the third, social support actions showed a significant difference in education, income, participation period, the forth, authoritarian behavior showed a significant difference in education, income, participation period, participation in frequency, the fifth, reward positive behavior showed a significant difference in income. On the other hand, satisfaction with classes lasting relationship with the participation of the demographic characteristics education, income, participation duration, frequency of participation, etc. showed a significant result, but gender, age, and job did not show a significant result. Second, we examine the relationship between the leadership and guidance of behavior in lessons and satisfaction and the type of instructor’s action especially, sub-factors type of democratic behavior, authoritarian patterns of behavior, and positive reward type had significant influence on class satisfaction of the participants. These results showed that instructor’s behavior is the important antecedents to class satisfaction. Third, this study examined the relationship between instructor’s behaviors and ongoing engagement and the type of instructor’s action especially, sub-factors type of democratic behavior, authoritarian patterns of behavior, and positive reward type had affected ongoing engagement. On the other hand training order behaviors and social behaviors did not affect the continued participation. Fourth, the study was to examine the relations between the class satisfaction and the continued participation of Sport for all. Class satisfaction of the participants had significant influence on the continued participation. This result was found to be satisfactory lessons are important antecedents to the continued participation. By the above results, the will of the participants themselves is very important to understanding and ability to perform on the Sport for all for participants, but, the type of instructor’s leadership behaviors is also important to participants. Therefore, instructor’s leadership has been affecting the new engagement, participation continued, and the abandonment of physical activity on Sport of all. Limitations of this study and future research are as follows. First, the present study have the limitation of the scope of research area, unabling of the understanding level of non-participants in Sport for all, and not suggest an alternative based on personal characteristics. Future research are as follows: First, future study is needed to comparative study with the entire country and Gwangju, as well as the western region of Gwangju. Second, in order to generalize the results of the study, the research and analysis on the overall level of understanding about the sptort fo all and further research is required proceeding to compare the characteristics with the program. Third, it is need to identify the instructor’s relationship between the degree of satisfaction and the relationship continued participation, then, it is require the study to compare and analyze the relationship between the public and continued participation.
