사회적자본이 한부모가정 여성의 우울과 경제적 스트레스에 미치는 영향 : 양부모가정 여성과의 비교를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study is a study of the effects of social capital on depression and economic stress in single - parent households. In particular, it is significant that the main characteristics and influences of the variables were examined through comparison wit...

This study is a study of the effects of social capital on depression and economic stress in single - parent households. In particular, it is significant that the main characteristics and influences of the variables were examined through comparison with the adoptive parents who are different from those of single - parent families. In this study, we examined whether there is a difference between social capital, depression, and economic stress between single - mother and two - parent families and analyzed how social capital affects depression and economic stress. This study is expected to provide basic data for understanding single-parent households and foster-parent households, and will serve as a basic data on the direction of future studies, and will be a basis for policy and practical intervention for single-parent households . For this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 206 single - parent households and single parent households using a social welfare center, a home health support center, an employment welfare support center, an NGO group, a library, and a sole parent group in Seoul. After the questionnaire survey, descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were conducted using SPSS based on 194 questionnaires, excluding demographic respondents. The effects of social capital on depression and economic stress were examined. The main results of this study are as follows. First, there were no significant differences in the response rates of single - mother and two - parent families in terms of age, number of children, age of children, final educational background, and job insecurity. However, in terms of religion and health status, There was a difference in the response rate of foster parents. Second, the descriptive statistics of the main variables showed that in the case of social capital, the single parent households had low trust in network, participation, trust in institutions, and trust in people. Depressed and economically stressed women were more likely to be single-parent households. Third, the correlation between social capital and economic stress shows that the relationship between social capital and economic stress is affected by the lower educational attainment, lower health status, unstable employment, lower network, lower participation, The lower the trust in institutions, the higher the economic stress. Foster parents were more likely to be economically stressed when they had more children, lower health status, lower networks, lower participation, and lower trust in people. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the effect of social capital on depression, there was a significant effect of trust on network, participation, and person in single parent households in depression, and social capital did not have a significant effect on mother - in - law. Fifth, the analysis of whether social capital affects economic stress revealed that the trust of the single - parent family woman was meaningful in the network and the person, and only the participation of the single - parent family woman was significant. The social welfare implications based on this study are as follows. First, in order to improve the social capital of single-parent family women, it is important to continuously share the divorce and divorce among the women in the process of divorce and bereavement, the difficulties that have been experienced after becoming a single-parent family woman, It is necessary to establish a foundation for solidarity, to practice community involvement activities, and to create a relationship-oriented, middle-aged network, such as exchanges with women in single-parent families in other regions. Second, in order to alleviate the depression of single-parent families, active involvement with the mental health promotion center, psychological healing programs such as mindfulness meditation or photo therapy, as well as intervention of strengths perspective, And emotional education that finds a positive aspect, internal strength and willingness to develop a single-parent household should face practical difficulties when faced with practical methods should be applied to overcome. Third, it seems that institutional and practical measures should be put in place to promote the participation of single parent families and foster family women. To this end, efforts are being made to improve the patriarchal culture, to expand the child care support policy tailored to the child's age so as to alleviate the burden of childcare and child care, and to identify issues based on the needs of single-parent families and single- , It is necessary to provide physical and human resources related to child care to private and public institutions. Fourth, understanding unofficial networks and human resources such as family, relatives, neighbors, and religions in case management, economic support, various programs, and self-help group activities in the field to improve network and trust for economic stress relief There is a need for activities to identify resources and build trust with people who are helpful. Fifth, health status influences depression and economic stress of single - parent families and two - parent households. Therefore, policy - based support for health examinations for single - parent families and foster parents, support for uninsured items, It seems that the support will be necessary. In addition, there is a need to expand the scope of social contribution activities related to medical support to single - parent families and foster parents.
