다문화행정서비스 질의 영향요인 : 다문화역량을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The Multicultural Family Support Center, the administrative system of the multicultural policy, is in the front line of putting across the multicultural policy, helping multi-cultural families' early settlement and providing them support. Because the ...

The Multicultural Family Support Center, the administrative system of the multicultural policy, is in the front line of putting across the multicultural policy, helping multi-cultural families' early settlement and providing them support. Because the multicultural public service is delivered through direct contact with the center staffs, immigrants’ experience with the staffs can serve as a major evaluation measure of the multicultural public service. In other words, the quality of multicultural public service can vary depending on the staff’s multicultural awareness and attitude as well as the degree of understanding and acceptance of ethnic and cultural diversity. Furthermore, the importance of the awareness and role of staffs at the Multicultural Family Support Center doubles, as staffs serve as a catalyst to build and strengthen relationships with immigrants through direct contact in a society where people with diverse backgrounds coexist. This studied center staffs, the major actors of the multicultural policy, to identify the influence factor of the quality of multicultural public service. By doing this, this tries to study the staff’s awareness of the multicultural society and the multicultural competence, and carry out an empirical analysis on the influence factor of the quality of the multicultural public service. To reach the purpose of the study, a study model and a hypothesis was derived through examination of previous studies and theoretical discussions. The study model is consisted of four latent variables: value of racism (attitude of racial discrimination and attitude of social dominance orientation), multicultural competence (multicultural awareness and multicultural knowledge and skill), job satisfaction and multicultural public service quality (reliability, responsiveness and empathy). In addition, the country of origin was included as a control variable. To verify the study model and the hypothesis, staffs at the Multicultural Family Support Center in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi province were surveyed (pre-test and main survey was done) to collect sample data. A total of 313 copies were collected and to verify the study model and the hypothesis, SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 20.0 were used for analysis. For the validity test of the measurement tool, exploratory factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis were carried out together. For the reliability test of the measurement tool, the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was identified. Lastly, SEM analysis method was used to verify the influence of the variables to the quality of the multicultural public service. Also, to intensify the triangulation analysis, in-depth interviews with center staffs and clients were conducted. The result of the study is as follows. Firstly, the attitude of racial discrimination of the Multicultural Family Support Center staffs was shown to give direct negative influence to the multicultural competences (multicultural awareness and multicultural knowledge and skill). Also, through the medium of multicultural competence and job satisfaction, attitude of racial discrimination was found to have a negative impact on the quality of the multicultural public service. Especially, racial bias and stereotype were found to have a very negative effect on multicultural awareness. Secondly, attitude of social dominance orientation directly affected multicultural awareness and job satisfaction in a negative way. Also, through in-depth interviews, center staffs’ subjective valuation on the immigrants was found to have a negative impact on the staffs’ attitude towards workers from multi-cultural families. Thirdly, it was discovered that multicultural knowledge and skill among multicultural competences is a direct and positive influence factor to job satisfaction. Particularly, through in-depth interviews, nonverbal communication skills that the staffs use was found to be a vital factor in providing multicultural public service. Fourthly, the analysis on influence factors on the quality of the multicultural public service revealed that attitude of racial discrimination gave a negative influence, whereas multicultural knowledge and skill and job satisfaction gave a positive influence. Among these, multicultural knowledge and skill were the the most influential. Meanwhile, center staff’s motivation factor and hygiene factor of job satisfaction were identified through in-depth interview. Fifthly, positive effects of contact through empirical analysis and in-depth interview. As the work experience in multicultural environment increased, attitude of social dominance orientation was gradually weakened, while multicultural competence was strengthened. In addition, positive effect of indirect contact experience through multi-cultural education was discovered. Especially, as multi-cultural education experience increased, attitude of racial discrimination and attitude of social dominance orientation were weakened, whereas multicultural competence, job satisfaction and the quality of multicultural public service were heightened. The implication of this study through the study results is as follows. Fristly, the Multicultural Family Support Center staffs’ inherent values on race gave negative influence on the delivery of the multicultural public service. Considering the direct and indirect influence of attitude of racial discrimination to the quality of the multicultural public service, center staffs’ improvement of multicultural awareness was found to be a vital factor. Secondly, positive effects of center staffs’ multicultural experience were discovered. Regularization of multicultural education and continuous multicultural education program development is needed to enhance the center staff’s multicultural competence and the quality of the multicultural public service. Thirdly, through empirical analysis and in-depth interview, the enhancement of working conditions was found to be a urgent preceding factor in improving the quality of the multicultural public service. Institutional strategy has to be provided to enhance the center staffs’ job satisfaction. Last but not least, in follow-up studies, several measures must be taken. First of all, the specificity of Korea must be taken into account in the creation of multicultural competence measurement tool and empirical analysis. Second of all, expansion of study range must be enlarged to the centers in all parts of the country. Third of all, the difference has to be identified through comparison to the multi-cultural families, who are the actual beneficiaries of the multicultural public service. Fourth of all, as shown in in-depth interviews, center staffs’ perception difference on different national groups must be identified. Lastly, follow-up studies should make an effort to overcome the common method bias that occurred in this study because the survey was conducted based on the self-evaluation of center staffs.
