Although improvement in industrialization and economic growth, industrialization and consumption levels, due to the depletion of resources, environmental issues are springing up based on the survival of humanity is threatened.
As environmental issues...
Although improvement in industrialization and economic growth, industrialization and consumption levels, due to the depletion of resources, environmental issues are springing up based on the survival of humanity is threatened.
As environmental issues have emerged as a global concern, companies are committed to achieving growth through sustainable development, however, the product does not work as expected due to the growth of the pharmaceutical market environment of high prices and quality factors of the environment.
According to the 2014 UN World Green Economy , the destruction of nature and the problem of resource depletion which are caused by increased energy consumption due to population growth has been seriously raised, and then sustainable economy has been predicted Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the behavior of eco-friendly products buyers, and to study the marketing strategy for the development of environmentally-friendly products, production, and distribution based on this. The study from this point of view presents the factors affecting customer friendly purchasing behavior as buyers value, brand, act, and an integrated model for the structural relationship between these factors based on the VBN theory of Stern(2000).
There is a theoretical contribution on this study because the prior studies relating to consumer behavior for eco-friendly products in the market trading related products between companies have applied the VBN theory which is still lacking in the country.
And there is a practical contribution on this study because it proposed the practical implications from a marking perspective by verifying the office MFP purchaser as a research model object This study identified the buyer based on the value of the previous studies on the environment point of view, and was classified as an eco-friendly product value as lower variable, and the eco-friendly brand attributes are divided two kinds of lower variable; brand image and brand trust services.
And also, this study analyzed the structural relationship of the direct and indirect effects on the eco-friendly brand and behavior influenced from product eco-friendly value by defining a customer eco-friendly behavior to product purchasing and product attitude.
The result of this study showed that this study model is suitable with the suitability;
χ2=227.218(p=.001, df=78), CMIN/DF=2.913, GFI=0.912, AGFI=.865, CFI=.962, NFI=.943, FI=.962, TLI=.948, On the other hand, the explanatory power() that the exogenous variables are explain by endogenous variables was calculated, the result said that the brand trust services for eco=friendly products =0.977(97.7%), brand image =0.244(24.2%), customer eco-friendly behavior As a result of hypothesis verification, first, the influence of eco-friendly product value on brand trust services was meaningful, so that the higher the value of eco-friendly products makes a Second, the influence of eco-friendly product value on brand image was meaningful, so that the higher the value of eco-friendly products showed a higher brand image.
Third, the influence of eco-friendly product value on customer eco-friendly behavior was meaningful, so that the higher the value of eco-friendly products showed a higher customer Fourth, the influence of brand trust service on customer
eco-friendly behavior was not meaningful at path coefficient, so it was confirmed through an additional empirical analysis of low and high satisfied group for brand trust service that there is a path difference between Fifth, the influence of brand image on eco-friendly behavior was meaningful, so that the higher the brand image showed a higher customer eco-friendly behavior.
Sixth, the influence of eco-friendly brand attributes on eco-friendly product value and customer eco-friendly behavior was meaningful, so that the better feeling of eco-friendly brand attributes Although previous domestic studies related to this subject have been a very limited research, the empirical results of this study for target buyers of office MFP product as a corporate-customers involved in goods, adds, industry groups for researching the customer value of eco-friendly products, offers strategic measures of specialized marketing, and analyses the specific structural relationships between eco-friendly brand and customer eco-friendly behavior, At this pointing, there is the practical implications of academic implications in this study.
And also, in terms of practical implications of company, it can provide the practical implications that all organizations and functions should pursue the organized and customer-oriented management system in order to provide the value to the customer needs at the junction the
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