朝鲜半岛自决裂之日起,南北两边就一向努力于完成国度和平易近族的同一。暗斗时代,受制于南北极对立国际格式的作用,朝鲜半岛成为美苏在亚洲较劲的重要阵地,南北两边在乎识形状的划分下分属器械两年夜对峙阵营而处于互相友好状况。是以,“武力”和“接收”成为这一时代两边完成同一目的的重要门路。。暗斗停止今后,跟着南北极对立格式的崩溃和国际情势的紧张,战争与成长成为时期的主流,在经济全球化的成长趋向下列国竞相睁开以成长经济为主的竞争。此时,朝鲜半岛南北两边以经济消费为主的军备竞争明显曾经不达时宜。是以,韩国在综合国力获得极年夜晋升的基本上,经由过程汲取和总结汗青的经历经验,开端履行息争协作的同一政策。息争协作同一政策的思绪是,韩国当局在确保朝鲜半岛平安现状的基本上,依附本身壮大的经济实力,“以南北当局对话增进两边息争,以对北经济交换增进两边协作。②但是,因为本身奇特的地舆地位和计谋价值,暗斗停止后,朝鲜半岛仍然作为周边年夜国好处交汇和竞相争取之地而存在。跟着周边年夜国对朝政策的调剂,对韩国同一政策来讲,增进和障碍身分并存。在如许的情形下,韩国当局应当在充足懂得以后局面的情形下,对息争协作同一政策停止赓续弥补和完美。同时,在掌握好外界情况的情形下,合时调剂对朝政策的准绳,使朝鲜半岛终究以战争措施完成同一。对此,本文拟分为五个部门对暗斗后韩国的同一政策停止具体阐述。第一章起首经由过程汗青的视角,依据文献剖析法和汗青剖析法分离对暗斗后金年夜中、卢武铉、李明博和朴槿惠四届当局息争协作同一政策的推动停止详细阐述,并在此基本上梳理出韩国各届总统对朝息争协作同一政策的继续和成长。第二章对暗斗后韩国息争协作同一政策连续推动的有益性身分停止剖析。本文以为,朝鲜半岛本身奇特的身分和暗斗后朝鲜对外政策的变更和朝鲜半岛周边年夜国对朝好处扑朔迷离而构成的互相制约关系,是促使暗斗后韩国连续履行息争协作同一政策的有益身分。第三章对韩国息争协作同一政策面对的挑衅停止剖析。本文以为,虽然朝鲜半岛南北两边都努力于完成国度的同一,但是因为社会轨制和认识形状的差别,两边在同一计划的制订上还存在抵触和不合,这在必定水平上障碍着韩国的同一方法。别的,受制于汗青缘由构成的美韩联盟关系的作用,韩国交际在必定水平上遭到美国的制约,朝核成绩解释韩国陷于美朝之间的交际窘境,朝核成绩成为韩国息争协作同一政策必需优先处理的困难。第四章在利害共存的基本上,剖析韩国息争协作政策的成长趋向。最初是本文的结论部门,笔者将站在马克思主义的高度,以成长的眼力对韩国往后息争协作同一政策的完美偏向停止前瞻性测。 Abstract: The Korean peninsula since the break date, the same has been completed to the north and south sides of country and nation. Infighting era, subject in the northern and southern polar opposites (International format, the Korean Peninsula become the United States and the Soviet Union important positions in Asia rivalry, on both sides of the North South care division of general shape belong to instrument two nights confrontation camp in friendly to each other in. Is to "force" and "receiving" has become the important way on both sides of this era to complete the same purpose.. Infighting in the future to a halt, follow the north and south polar opposites tension in the format and the collapse of the international situation, war and growth become the era of the mainstream, in the development of economic globalization trend following states competing open to economic growth based competition. At this time, the Korean Peninsula to the north and south sides of the economic consumption was not up to date once the arms race. In South Korea, in the comprehensive national strength greatly promoted basically, through the process of absorbing and summarizing historical experience, beginning with the same policy and cooperation. Collaboration with a policy of thoughts is that South Korean authorities in ensuring peace on the Korean peninsula situation basically, attached itself strong economic strength, "North South dialogue between the authorities of enhance on both sides of the information war, to the North economic and enhance cooperation of both sides. II but because itself unique geographical location and the strategic value, after cessation of infighting, the Korean Peninsula still as a neighboring country's benefits to the intersection and compete for the existence. Along with the neighboring country's policy toward the swap, to South Korea the same policy in terms of both factors in promoting and obstacles. In such circumstances, the South Korean authorities should be in full understanding after the situation of competition cooperation with a policy to stop continuously make up and perfect. At the same time, master good external conditions, timely adjust policy toward the principle, making the Korean Peninsula after war to complete the same. In this regard, this paper is divided into five departments to stop the same policy in South Korea after the cold war in detail. The first chapter through the perspective of historical process, based on the literature analysis method and history analysis method separation on infighting after Kim, Roh moo Hyun, ROK President Lee Myung Bak and park Geun hye fourth authorities information collaboration in the same policy push to stop in detail. And on the basis of combing out of the South Korean presidents toward collaboration with policy and continue to grow. The second chapter carries on the analysis of South Korea after the cold war and the same policy for promoting cooperation beneficial factor. This paper believes that the Korean Peninsula itself unique identity and infighting after North Korea's foreign policy changes and the Korean Peninsula around the country to the benefit of the complicated and confusing and form the mutual restriction relations, is prompting infighting after South Korea performed continuously collaboration with a policy beneficial factors. The third chapter of the South Korea cooperation interest dispute the same policy challenge analysis. In the author's opinion, although on both sides of the north and south of the Korean Peninsula are efforts on the completion of the national unity, but because the differences in social system and recognizes the shape, on both sides of in the same plan formulation there is conflict and discord, which in a certain level of disorder with South Korea the same measures. Other, subject to the result of the historical reason constitute the US-ROK alliance, South Korea communication to a certain level by the constraints of the United States, nuclear grade explain South Korea caught in the dilemma of communication between the United States and North Korea, nuclear grade become South Korea information collaboration with policy must give priority to the difficulty. In the fourth chapter, the coexistence of interest basically, analysis of Korean policy trends and cooperation. First is the conclusion section of this article, I will stand in the height of the Marxism, to grow the eye to South Korea in the future information war cooperation policy with a perfect bias prospective measurement. 目录: |