
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
全球经济一体化化和国际商业自在化是现今世界的潮水,而当局推销市场从关闭走向开放是全球经济一体化和国际商业自在化的必定趋向。中国参加旨在增进当局推销自在化、市场化的世贸组织当局推销协定(GovernmentProcurement Agreement)是汗青的必定,“也是我国改造开放整体计谋的一项详细办法”。参加当局推销协定会谈触及市场开放规模和国际司法调剂两个方面。若何完美中国的当局推销司法轨制,若何在会谈中以最低价值参加当局推销协定以完成国度好处的最年夜化,是现代中国当局推销急需处理的课题。韩国事当局推销轨制成长较早的国度。韩国曾经构成一套以当局合同法为基本,与当局推销协定相连接、绝对自力和完整的当局推销司法轨制系统,并以较低社会本钱胜利参加了当局推销协定。是以,不管是韩国国际的当局推销司法轨制扶植,照样韩国参加当局推销协定的经历与战略,对正欲完美当局推销司法轨制系统、参加当局推销协定的中国无疑有着极端主要的实际意义。本研究年夜量搜集、整顿中韩两国当局推销的司法文本、WTO官方文件等司法文件和后人对韩国当局推销司法轨制、当局推销协定、中国当局推销等范畴的研究结果,商量了包含当局推销的根本准绳、治理体系体例、运作措施和胶葛处置机制等在内的韩国当局推销司法轨制系统,韩语论文范文,剖析研究了韩国参加当局推销协定的相干战略与经历。经由过程对韩国当局推销司法轨制系统及其参加当局推销协定战略的剖析研究,针对我国当局推销司法轨制系统及我国参加当局推销协定会谈的现状和成绩提出了一些建议。我们应当完美当局推销的司法学例系统,标准当局推销机构的设置,强化当局推销的电子化扶植,确保当局推销司法轨制与当局推销协定的调和分歧。同时,韩语论文题目,在会谈中公道运用会谈技能和当局推销协定条目中的公道空间,争夺以最低价值参加当局推销协定,完成国度好处的最年夜化,增进中国经济的可连续成长。


Global economic integration and international trade liberalization is the tide of the world, and the market is the inevitable trend of global economic integration and international trade liberalization from the closed to the open. China to take part in enhancing authorities promote freedom, market of the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the authorities in sales agreement (GovernmentProcurement agreement) is history must, "is the overall strategy of China's reform and opening up a methods in detail. To participate in the two aspects of the "government sales agreement" talks involving the market opening scale and international judicial swap. How to perfect the Chinese authorities to promote judicial system, how the talks to the lowest value in the government procurement agreement "to complete the national interests in the most of the eve is modern Chinese authorities to sell the urgent need to deal with the issue. South Korean authorities to promote the development of the country's rail system earlier. South Korea has formed a set with the authorities of the contract law as the basic, and of the authorities in sales agreement connected, absolutely independent and complete authorities promote judicial institutional system, and to the victory of the low social capital in the "government procurement agreement". Therefore, whether it is South Korean military authorities to promote judicial rail construction of, still South Korea to participate in the government marketing experience and strategy of the agreement, of trying to perfect authorities promote judicial institutional system, to participate in the government procurement agreement ", China will undoubtedly have a extremely important practical significance. In this study, a large collection, consolidation in Korean authorities sell judicial texts, WTO official documents such as judicial documents and future generations of South Korean authorities sell judicial rail system, the government procurement agreement ", the Chinese authorities, marketing and other areas of research results, to discuss the contains authorities sell root this yardstick, governance systems, operation method and glue Gregory disposal mechanism, the South Korean authorities promote judicial institutional system, analyses and studies the South Korea to participate in the government marketing agreement coherent strategy and experience. Through the South Korean authorities sell judicial institutional system and participate in the government procurement agreement of strategic analysis and research, in view of our country government promote judicial rail system and our country to participate in the "authorities sell agreement talks of the status and results, some suggestions were put forward. We should promote the government to improve the laws and regulations system, standard government procurement agencies setting, strengthening the government sell electronic construction, ensure that the authorities to promote judicial rail system and the authorities sell agreement reconcile their differences. At the same time, during the talks in reasonable use negotiation techniques and the authorities sell agreement "clause in the reasonable space, for to the lowest value in the authorities sell agreement, complete national interests in the most Nianye, promoting China's economy sustained development.

