自1992年中韩建交以来,来华进修的韩国留先生人数赓续增长。然则离开中国粹习汉语的进程中他们不只要学英雄语,并且要阅历一个顺应中国的进程。不外分开故乡,再一次顺应生疏的情况是一件很难的工作,有的人在短的时光内就可以瓮中之鳖,然则有的人乃至过了几年也不克不及顺应中国文明。后者的情形不只使先生在本身的进修、情绪、生涯上发生许多成绩,韩语论文题目,并且还会对中国文明发生逆反心思。这在必定的水平上作用了中国在国际上的抽象。为了不留先生碰到如许的情形,为了吸引更多的留先生,更加了让中国在国际上建立应有的优越抽象。今朝,中国须要丰硕在华留先生跨文明顺应的研究材料。然则已有的研究年夜多半都是以东方国度为主。因为中国文明与东方各个国度的情形分歧,东方国度的研究结果不实用于在华留先生跨文明顺应成绩的研究。并且在中国已有的研究也是年夜部门以在国外的中国留先生作为研究对象,是以,韩国留先生的跨文明顺应成绩是一个须要研究的部门。为了研究来华韩国留先生的跨文明顺应,本文彩用查询拜访研究、文献检索、归结总结等办法,并自创国外和国际的研究结果。针对韩国留先生的平常生涯、学业顺应的现实情形设计了响应的问卷查询拜访,并经由过程SPSS软件的剖析,找出社会支撑与跨文明顺应的相干性,从中得出社会支撑是作用来华韩国留先生跨文明顺应的一个主要身分而且也是中国当局须要改良的成绩。依据韩国留先生学业顺应查询拜访体系剖析的数据,可以得出一个结论,那就是年夜部门韩国粹生有比拟明白的目的离开中国,他们对进修情况的满足度也优越,这解释“进修目的立场”、“对进修情况的满足度”没有作用他们的进修顺应。然则韩国粹生的专业进修的卖力度和进修动力的效度比拟低,在停止查询拜访中发明了两个成绩;第1、很多的韩国留先生碰到进修的难关,韩语论文,第2、一半韩国留先生对专业进修持有消极的进修立场。针对这个成绩,。本文将经由过程整合跨文明沟通心思学、跨文明外交学等实际对留先生的跨文明不顺应成绩提出政策性建议,试图从各个角度研究留先生的跨文明练习措施。总而言之,韩国留先生的跨文明顺应,不只须要改良对外汉语教授教养中的立场、办法等方面、还须要加强当局的社会支撑和留先生本身的尽力。 Abstract: Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, the number of students studying in China South Korea to increase ceaselessly. But leave China to learn Chinese in the process of their hero not only learn language, and to experience a process of adaptation Chinese. Nevertheless left their hometown, again follow the strange situation is a very difficult job, some people in a short period of time can bottled up, however some people even after the years also cannot adapt to the Chinese civilization. The latter case not only enable students to many achievements in their own learning, emotional, career, and will the Chinese civilization occurred rebelled mentality. This has influenced China's international abstract at a certain level. In order not to stay in the case of Mr. Xu, in order to attract more students to stay, even more to China in the international establishment should be superior abstract. At the present, China needs to be fruitful in the study of the cross cultural adaptation of mr.. But most of the research has been mainly in the east of the country as the main. Because of the differences between Chinese culture and the eastern countries, the study of the eastern countries is not practical in the study of the achievements of the cross cultural adaptation of mr.. And in China has been the major research departments to stay in foreign countries in China as a research object, is to, South Korea's stay in the cross civilization compliance is a need to study the department. In order to study the cross-cultural adaptation of South Korea to stay, this paper uses a survey research, literature search, summary and other methods, and create a foreign and international research results. According to the realities of South Korean left Mr. daily life, academic adaptation designed in response to the questionnaire survey, and through the analysis of SPSS software, find out the social support and cross cultural adaptation of coherence, and from that social support is the influence of China Korea left Mr. cross-cultural Ming Shun should be one of the main factors but also the Chinese authorities need improvement in performance. According to South Korean left Mr. academic adaptation survey data analysis system, can draw a conclusion, that is Nianye sector Korea students compared to understand the purpose of leaving China, their satisfaction of learning environment is superior, explaining that "learning objective stance," the learning satisfaction "did not affect their learning adaptation. However the quintessence of Han students professional learning sell power intensity and study the validity of relatively low, in query visit invented two grades; the 1, South Korea's many leave Mr. encounter learning difficulties, the 2, half of South Korea left Mr. of professional and continuing education hold negative attitude to learn. In view of this achievement,. This paper will through the process of integration of cross civilization communication idea, cross cultural diplomacy and actual to leave Mr. cross civilization achievement does not conform to put forward policy suggestions to the study from all angles to leave Mr. cross cultural learning method. All in all, the cross-cultural adaptation of the South Korean students, not only need to improve the teaching of foreign language teaching in the position, methods and other aspects, but also to strengthen the government's social support and stay in his own efforts. 目录: |