
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This year is the 60 anniversary of establishing the alliance. In these 60 years, the U.S. - South Korea alliance support department as a South Korean defense of peace, the war and stability on the Korean Peninsula to main effect. Infighting in the era of the US-ROK alliance to enter the post Cold War era, its size across the military security category, grow into politics, economy, culture and so on almost all the fields full range alliance. But in the era of South Korea has to face all the League was "abandoned" or "Lianlei" alliance dilemma. In particular, in the post "9 - 11" period of the league's dilemma. The alliance dilemma for internal and external representation of alliance alliance dilemma. Outside the place between the two countries is a dilemma in the process of international governance alliance dilemma. It is important that changes in the American military strategy of the impact on the U.S. - South Korea alliance and South Korean forces in wartime instructions in the settlement of the results. The dilemma of internal alliance refers to the conflict for the dilemma between the two countries to bring friends in a party with third countries. It is important in relations with North Korea and the U.S. - South Korea alliance on Chinese. And the external and internal dilemma of the alliance. The traditional alliance practically important is from the rise and fall of the big country position research alliance, maintain, governance performance, and the U.S. - South Korea alliance as asymmetric alliance is the traditional alliance real hard to explain. In this thesis in asymmetric alliance and alliance dilemma practical study of Korea in the growth process of the US-ROK alliance with alliance dilemma, and with full range independent communication and multilateral security cooperation the machine manufacturing is to deal with alliance dilemma of communicative strategies, the South Korea when bureau to go future strategic bias.


摘要   2-3   ABSTRACT   3-4   第一章 绪论   7-16       第一节 选题由来   7-9       第二节 探讨近况述评   9-13       第三节 探讨框架及探讨措施   13-16   第二章 同盟困境的理论基础   16-28       第一节 同盟形成的原因   16-21       第二节 同盟困境理论   21-24       第三节 美韩同盟困境的两个维度   24-27       第四节 小结   27-28   第三章 美韩同盟的内部困境   28-51       第一节 美国军事战略调整对美韩同盟的作用   28-39       第二节 自主性与战时指挥权的移交   39-49       第三节 小结   49-51   第四章 美韩同盟的外部困境   51-68       第一节 朝鲜问题与美韩同盟的困境   51-58       第二节 中韩关系与美韩同盟的困境   58-66       第三节 小结   66-68   第五章 韩国政府的未来外交战略选择   68-81       第一节 加强自主外交   68-74       第二节 构建多边安全合作机制   74-80       第三节 小结   80-81   第六章 结论   81-83   参考文献   83-88   致谢   88-90  
