
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Birth gender ratio out of balance is the balance of China's population growth in the face of a serious problem structure, troubled in China in the past thirty years, to the population and society comprehensive, coordinated and continuous growth has brought great negative influence, caused the social from all walks of life of the high level of concern. This paper reviews the existing research results basically, to influence the sex ratio is on the high side of the three factors (gender preference, growth space is reduced, techniques to improve) to carry on the analysis, identity of birth gender in than out of balance is the results of many factors comprehensive cooperation, and preference for male is sex ratio unbalance of deep-seated, the basic reason for the formation. While the gender of unyielding social mechanism, is to promote the main identity will constitute the boy preference. It can be said that the birth sex ratio off balance in essence reflects the gender despise front of sexual positions off balance of female power and deprivation, is sex of unyielding in life gestation age of dominant markers. But the birth sex ratio imbalance is not unique to China scene. South Korea with China, birth sex ratio in the last century 80 time metaphase begins to deviate from the normal level and the emergence of rising trend, and in 1990 reached the historical peak of 116. 5. But with the South Korean authorities adopted a multi pronged management approach, curb their birth sex ratio rising trend, basically stable. I will compare the methods of research is introduced in this paper, analysis of China and South Korea sex ratio state, leading to the conclusion that, although in a population base, territory area, political systems, economic development level exists many differences, but like China and Asian countries South Korea is also affected by the Ru Xuewen of deep, existing patriarchal traditional civilization, unyielding sex mechanism is the formation of Korean birth sex ratio unbalance of basic reason. The author summarizes the deep South Korean authorities in the sex ratio in the process of management experience and practices. South Korean authorities adapt to establish and strengthen the international tide of advancement of women position country mechanism, establish and perfect the South Korean authorities of gender equality and gender policy country mechanism, the social gender awareness placed in government policy formulation and performance of the mainstream, in fact, will continue to progress the authority of national mechanism, executive force, influence and efficiency, effectively promote the Korean gender equal career and social sustained development. Korean born sex ratio in 2007 to return to normal size, position of women get more Nianye promotion, can reduce the curb again. At the beginning of the article, based on the analysis of the Korean experience basically created practice, put forward our country to promote gender balance, and then complete the birth sex ratio of the equilibrium policy recommendations. Contains set up powerful national gender equality promotion system, perfect laws and regulations and innovation to promote teaching ideas and methods, and actively build beneficial to women's rights guarantee and the growth of the rail system.

