中文摘要 4-7 Abstract 7-11 INTRODUCTION 17-39 1. PURPOSE OF STUDY 17-22 2. Current status of research 22-37 2.1 Research on the relationship between inter-Korean economic cooperationand peace in the Korean Peninsula 22-24 2.2 Research on the decisive factors of inter-Korean economic cooperation 24-25 2.3 Research on Mt. Geumgang tourism project 25-31 2.4 Research on Gaesung Industrial Complex 31-36 2.5 Other studies 36-37 3. RESEARCH METHOD AND RANGE 37-39 1. ECONOMIC INTEGRATION THEORY AND CASES 39-85 1.1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 39-45 1.1.1 Concept of economic integration 39-41 1.1.2 Economic integration theory 41-45 1.2 PEACE THEORY THROUGH TRADE 45-60 1.2.1 Peaceful effect of trade 45-50 1.2.2 Peaceful effect of symmetric trade 50-58 1.2.3 Disputes triggered by trade 58-60 1.3 ECONOMIC INTEGRATION CASE OF NAFTA 60-65 1.3.1 Establishment background of NAFTA 60-62 1.3.2 Implementation process of NAFTA 62-64 1.3.3 Effect and assessment of NAFTA 64-65 1.4 ECONOMIC INTEGRATION CASE OF EU 65-71 1.4.1 Establishment background of EU 65 1.4.2 Phased development of EU economic integration 65-68 1.4.3 Effects of EU economic integration 68-71 1.5 ECONOMIC INTEGRATION CASE OF GERMANY 71-85 1.5.1 Unification and economic situation of Germany 71-74 1.5.2 Economic integration and assessment of Germany 74-80 1.5.3 Lessons gained from economic integration of Germany 80-85 2. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMICINTEGRATION 85-107 2.1 ECONOMIC STATUS OF NORTH KOREA 85-95 2.1.1 Economic status and structure of North Korea 85-91 2.1.2 Current status of foreign trade of North Korea and dependency on SouthKorea 91-95 2.2 MEANING OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION 95-98 2.2.1 Economic meaning of inter-Korean economic cooperation 95-96 2.2.2 Non-economic meaning of inter-Korean economic cooperation 96-98 2.3 NECESSITY OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION 98-107 2.3.1 Stance of South Korea 100-102 2.3.2 Stance of North Korea 102-105 2.3.3 Changes in environment of global economy 105-107 3. CURRENT STATUS OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION91 107-219 3.1 ACTUAL CONDITION OF IMPLEMENTING GENERAL TRADE AND COOPERATIONPROJECT 107-124 3.1.1 Background of implementing general trade and cooperation project 107-108 3.1.2 Process for implementing general trade and cooperation project 108-112 3.1.3 Procedure for implementing general trade business 112-115 3.1.4 Structure of general trade business and collaboration business 115-124 3.2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS AND ACTUAL STATE OF THE GAESUNG INDUSTRIALCOMPLEX PROJECT 124-151 3.2.1 Implementation background of the Gaesung Industrial Complex project108 124-130 3.2.2 Main content of the Gaesung Industrial Complex project 130-135 3.2.3 Actual state and prospects of the Gaesung Industrial Complex project 135-142 3.2.4 Significance of Gaesung Industrial Complex 142-145 3.2.5 Expected effects of Gaesung Industrial Complex 145-151 3.3 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS AND ACTUAL STATE OF AID PROJECTS TO NORTHKOREA 151-176 3.3.1 Background of aid projects to North Korea 151-152 3.3.2 Implementation status according to main period of aid projects to NorthKorea 152-166 3.3.3 Structure of aid project to North Korea 166-176 3.4 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS AND ACTUAL STATE OF ‘MT. GEUMGANG TOURPROJECT’ 176-219 3.4.1 Implementation background of Mt. Geumgang tour project 176-179 3.4.2 Main implementation process of the Mt. Geumgang tour project 179-185 3.4.3 Actual state and prospect of Mt. Geumgang tour project 185-192 3.4.4 Significance of Mt. Geumgang tour project 192-201 3.4.5 Ripple effects of the Mt. Geumgang tour project 201-219 4. PROBLEMS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OFINTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION 219-237 4.1 MAIN SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION 219-226 4.1.1 Success cases 220-223 4.1.2 Failure cases 223-226 4.2 PROBLEMS OF INTER-KOREAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION 226-237 4.2.1 Lack of flexibility in labor 228-230 4.2.2 Restricted personal/material travel 230-232 4.2.3 Problem of origin 232-234 4.2.4 Various insurance system problems 234-235 4.2.5 Political factor problems 235 4.2.6 Policy problems 235-237 5. PLAN FOR ACTIVATING INTER-KOREAN ECONOMICCOOPERATION 237-269 5.1 PLAN FOR INCREASING TRADE 237-251 5.1.1 Problem of labor productivity and employment flexibility 237-240 5.1.2 Problems related with communication,travel and customs 240-244 5.1.3 Problem of origin 244-246 5.1.4 Insurance problem 246-249 5.1.5 South Korea’s difficulty with maintaining consistency in NorthKorea-related policies 249-250 5.1.6 Further establishment of the North-South Korea Economic CooperationIndustrial Complex 250-251 5.2 MEASURES FOR ACTIVATING INVESTMENT 251-258 5.2.1 Provide expansion strategy through collaborative investment 251-253 5.2.2 Active use of indirect investment 253-257 5.2.3 Building investment environment for North Korea 257-258 5.3 MEASURES FOR STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC COOPERATION 258-264 5.3.1 Construct energy cooperation system 258-260 5.3.2 Joint development of resources 260-263 5.3.3 Technological cooperation project 263-264 5.4 MEASURES RELATED WITH TRADE RELATIONS 264-266 5.4.1 Guarantee stability of investment fund 265 5.4.2 Provide reasonable tax system 265-266 5.4.3 Construct measures for mediating commercial disputes 266 5.4.4 Guarantee free economic activities 266 5.5 WAYS TO ELIMINATE POLITICAL FACTORS 266-269 5.5.1 Instability with the North-South relationship and political situation inKorean peninsula 266-267 5.5.2 North Korea’s policy to protection of the system first 267-268 5.5.3 North Korea’s avoidance of agreeing to and practicing cooperation withSouth 268-269 CONCLUSION 269-278 REFERENCES 278-293 攻博期间发表的学术论文及其他成果 293 |