中国与韩国的端五节构成于远古社会,并经由久长的岁月而传承上去。但是两国的端五节不只有很多的类似的地方,韩语毕业论文,也有各自的一些独有风气。所以本论文经由过程两国在端五的各方面的枚举停止比拟,以找出两国在端五的雷同与分歧的地方。本论文重要从中韩两国端五节的语源与别称,两国端五的由来,两国端五的风俗,和两国与端五相干的鄙谚等多方面停止枚举和比拟。经由过程这些枚举和比拟,韩语论文网站,达到解释中韩两国端五看似雷同现实上却属于两个分歧的风气概念的目标。以此,为其他进修者供给一个参考的材料。 Abstract: Chinese with the south end five sections in the ancient society, and through the long years passed down. But the end of the two countries is not only a lot of similar places, but also have some unique atmosphere of their own. So this thesis is to find out the similarities and differences between the two countries in the end of five. This paper from China and South Korea ended five sections of etymology and nickname, the two ends of the origin of the five, the two ends of the five customs, and two with the end of the five coherent vulgar proverbs stop enumeration and comparison. Through these enumeration and comparison, to explain the two countries and China and South Korea five seemingly identical reality but belong to two different concepts of the atmosphere of the target. In this, to provide a reference for other learners. 目录: 摘要 4 韩文摘要 5-6 目录 6-8 正文 8-50 参考文献 50-53 附录 53-56 致谢 56 |