在本篇论文中,韩语论文范文,笔者将以中国现有的休息争议处置轨制为重点研究对象,并联合韩国休息争议处置轨制,经由过程比拟两者差异来总结中国现行的休息争议处置轨制存在的成绩。两国休息争议处置轨制的重要的内容以下:中国休息争议处置轨制重要内容是:持续实施“一调一裁两审”的处置体系体例,即所谓的单轨体系体例;中国休息争议处置机构包含:公司休息争议调剂委员会和处所各级休息争议仲裁委员会;休息争议处置机构在处置休息争议中要保持正当、公平、实时的准绳;休息争议处置的规模,包含各类公司与职工之间产生的休息争议,也包含国度机关、事业单元、社会集团与本单元工人之间、个别工商户与帮工、学徒之间产生的休息争议韩国休息争议处置轨制重要内容是:休息委员会调剂时,韩语论文,普通事业的争议和公益事业的争议分离处置的准绳;韩国休息争议处置机构由休息委员会和法院构成;休息争议处置机构在处置休息争议中要保持自立、敏捷、公平、公益的准绳;休息争议处置的规模触及工资、休息时光等休息前提和休息组合的运动方面的内容;个人协约。两国休息争议处置法式中,中国的休息争议调剂法式与韩国的休息争议调剂分歧点是:休息争议的处置规模、休息争议处置机构、休息争议处置机构的构成人员、公益事业的休息争议优先处置权分歧等。两国的休息争议仲裁法式的分歧点是:休息争议的仲裁请求措施、休息争议的仲裁组织成员、休息争议的仲裁处置刻日、休息争议的仲裁前置法式、特殊仲裁委员会分歧等。中韩两国休息争议仲裁轨制面对的配合成绩是仲裁前置和休息仲裁判决不具有结局效率,缺少威望性。从上述对于韩中两国在休息争议处理机制和相干的司法划定方面停止的比较中,我们可以看出,两国之间存在很年夜的配合点,然则也各自有本身的特色。 Abstract: In this paper, the China's current labor dispute handling system as the main object of study and South Korea the United labor dispute handling system and through the compare both similarities and differences to summarize the achievements of China's current labor dispute handling system. The labor dispute handling system is an important content of the following: China labor dispute handling system is an important content: the continued implementation of the "style disposal system regulating one cut two", namely the so-called Chinese style monorail system; labor dispute handling mechanism includes: enterprise labor dispute relief committee and the various levels of the rest dispute arbitration committee to rest; the dispute handling mechanism to maintain the legitimate, fair, the principle of real time in the disposal of labor dispute; labor dispute handling scale, including produce between various types of enterprises and workers labor dispute, including state organs, institutions, social groups and the unit workers between individual industrial and commercial households and workers, the labor dispute between South Korea apprentice the labor dispute handling system is an important content of the Committee: rest swap, controversy and public welfare undertakings of the ordinary Controversy of the separation of the disposal principle; Korea rest dispute resolution mechanism formed by a commission and the courts; labor dispute handling mechanism to deal with the labor dispute to keep self-reliance, agile, fairness, public interest principle; rest the size of the disposal of disputes touch the wages, rest and movement of the premise of the rest time and rest combine aspects of content; individual agreement. Rest between the two countries dispute disposal of French and Chinese labor dispute relief of French and Korean labor dispute to adjust differences point is: rest dispute disposal scale, the rest of the dispute resolution mechanism, labor dispute handling mechanism constitute personnel and public welfare undertakings of the labor dispute priority disposal differences such as. Both the labor dispute arbitration French bifurcation point is: rest arbitration request method, arbitration organization members to rest, rest dispute arbitration disposal moment days, rest controversial pre arbitration procedures, special arbitration commission differences and so on. With the achievement of dispute arbitration system in the rest of China and South Korea is the pre arbitration and arbitration does not have the outcome of rest efficiency, lack of prestige. From above on the comparison of China and Korea in terms of breaks in the dispute settlement mechanism and the relevant legal provisions, we can see that there is very big to the tie point between the two countries. However, it also has its own characteristics. 目录: 序言 9-12 一. 劳动争议及其处理制度的概述 12-16 (一) 劳动争议及其处理制度的概念 12-14 1 中国的劳动争议及其处理制度的概念 12-13 2 韩国的劳动争议及其处理制度的概念 13-14 3 中韩两国的劳动争议及其处理制度比较 14 (二) 劳动争议的范围 14-16 1 中国的劳动争议的范围 14-15 2 韩国的劳动争议的范围 15 3 中韩劳动争议范围的比较 15-16 二. 劳动争议处理机构 16-22 (一) 中国的劳动争议处理机构 16-18 1 公司劳动争议调解委员会的组成 16-17 2 劳动争议仲裁委员会的组成 17 3 劳动争议仲裁委员会的仲裁员 17-18 (二) 韩国的劳动争议处理机构 18-22 1 劳动委员会的组成 19-20 2 一般调整委员会的组成 20-21 3 特别调整委员会的组成 21 4 劳动争议仲裁委员会的组成 21-22 三. 劳动争议处理方式 22-27 (一) 中国的劳动争议处理方式 22-24 1 、劳动争议的调解 22-23 2 、劳动争议的仲裁 23 3 、劳动争议的诉讼 23-24 (二) 韩国的劳动争议处理方式 24-27 1 劳动争议私的调整 24-25 2 劳动争议法定调整 25-26 3 劳动争议仲裁 26 4 劳动争议诉讼 26 5 劳动争议调整和劳动争议仲裁之间的关系 26-27 四. 劳动争议调解制度 27-40 (一) 中国的劳动争议调解制度 27-33 1 劳动争议调解的含义 27-28 2 劳动争议调解的范围 28-29 3 劳动争议调解的准则 29-30 4 劳动争议调解的程序 30-33 (二) 韩国的劳动争议调整制度 33-40 1 劳动争议调整的范围 33 2 劳动争议调整的基本准则 33-34 3 劳动争议的一般调整 34-37 4 公益事业劳动争议的调整程序 37-38 5 劳动争议紧急调整 38-39 6 韩国的劳动争议调整和中国的劳动争议调解的不同点 39-40 五. 劳动争议仲裁制度 40-48 (一) 韩中两国劳动争议仲裁的共同点 40-45 1 劳动争议仲裁的概念 40-41 2 劳动争议仲裁的准则 41-42 3 劳动争议仲裁程序 42-44 4 劳动争议的当事人对仲裁裁决不服的处理 44-45 (二) 韩中两国劳动争议仲裁的不同点 45-46 (三) 韩中两国劳动争议仲裁制度面临的共同问题 46-48 结论 48-51 参考文献 51-52 |