掉业成绩是一个世界性的困难,因其对经济成长、社会稳固的潜伏损坏感化,增进失业一向都是列国当局政策的重点。再失业培训被视为积极休息市场政策,已成为列国管理掉业成绩的一项主要办法。亚洲金融危机以来,韩国休息力市场连续低迷,饱受掉业率高升的困扰。随同着经济体系体例的改造,中国涌现了年夜量掉业,掉业已成了中国经济成长的瓶颈。为此,中韩两国当局都提出了年夜量增进失业的政策,高度看重再失业培训系统的树立,两国的再失业培训儿乎同时起步。经由十余年的成长,两都城获得了较年夜的造诣,也积聚了很多的经历,,而且构成了各自的特点。本研究重要从四个方面比拟了中韩再失业培训:第一部门引见了两国的掉业成绩及应对办法,韩语论文网站,而且剖析了两国掉业主体的情形。第二部门比拟了两国再失业培训的展开情形,找出了雷同点和分歧点,总结了各自的特点。第三部门比拟了两国在政策律例、治理、经费等方面的保证情形,韩语论文范文,并引见了一些新的测验考试。第四部门总结了韩国的无益经历与对我国再失业培训的启发。研究剖析韩国的胜利经历,对我国成长再失业培训具有主要的实际指点意义。经由过程研究,本文重要在完美律例政策、改造评价措施、构成接收训者分摊机制、实行分类培训等四个方而提出了建议。 Abstract: It marks a worldwide difficulty, because of the economic growth and social stability of the latent damage effect, increase unemployment is always the focus of the governments policy. Re employment training is considered as active labor market policy, has become a major way out of industry performance management nations. Since the Asian financial crisis, South Korean labor market suffered continuous downturn, rising unemployment fell by. Along with the transformation of economic system, the emergence of a large number of China fell off industry, has become the bottleneck of economic growth Chinese. To this end, China and South Korea authorities proposes a large amount of unemployment promoting policy, attaches great importance to setting up the training system and unemployment, both re employment training almost started at the same time. Through more than ten years of growth, both won more of the eve of the attainments, but also the accumulation of a lot of experience, but also their own characteristics. This study is from four aspects and then compare training: the first part introduces the unemployment both off and coping measures and analyzes the industry performance, two unemployed agent case. The second sector expansion situation compared to the bilateral unemployment training, to find out the similarities and differences, summed up their characteristics. The third sector compared to the two guarantee in the aspects of policies and regulations, governance and funding situation, and introduce some new test. The fourth part summarizes the experience of South Korea and useless to China unemployment inspiration training. Research and analysis of South Korea's successful experience of China's growth and unemployment has major practical significance of training. Through the process of research, this article in perfect statutes policy, evaluation method, which receives the transformation training sharing mechanism, the implementation of classification training in four aspects, and puts forward suggestions. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 绪论 7-14 (一) 探讨背景 7-8 (二) 基本概念研讨 8-11 1. 失业、下岗 9-10 2. 失业率 10 3. 再就业培训 10-11 (三) 再就业培训探讨情况 11-12 (四) 探讨思路、措施 12-13 (五) 创新点与难点 13-14 一、中韩失业问题、失业对策比较 14-20 (一) 失业问题比较 14-17 1. 亚洲金融危机以来,韩国的失业问题日益突出 14-15 2. 伴随着改革开放,中国的就业形势发生了巨大变化 15-16 3. 失业问题比较 16-17 (二) 失业对策比较 17-20 1. 韩国积极调整失业政策,实行向弱势群体倾斜的政策 17-18 2. 中国采取优惠政策,努力做好下岗职工再就业工作 18-19 3. 失业对策比较 19-20 二、中韩再就业培训发展比较 20-32 (一) 再就业培训发展历程比较 20-23 1. 韩国再就业培训发展历程 20-21 2. 中国再就业培训发展历程 21-22 3. 再就业培训发展历程比较 22-23 (二) 再就业培训项目比较 23-32 1. 韩国再就业培训项目介绍 23-27 2. 中国再就业培训项目介绍 27-30 3. 再就业培训项目比较 30-32 三、中韩再就业培训保障机制比较 32-45 (一) 政策法规 32-36 1. 韩国以健全的法制保障再就业培训 32-33 2. 中国主要通过政策性文件提供保障 33-35 3. 法学保障比较 35-36 (二) 管理保障比较 36-40 1. 韩国再就业培训的实施 36-37 2. 中国再就业培训的实施 37-39 3. 管理保障比较 39-40 (三) 经费保障比较 40-45 1. 韩国再就业培训经费保障 40-42 2. 中国再就业培训经费保障 42-43 3. 经费保障比较 43-45 四、有益经验与启示 45-48 (一) 韩国发展再就业培训的经验 45-46 (二) 对我国再就业培训的启示 46-48 结语 48-49 参考文献 49-52 致谢 52 |